
we're currently discussing a similar problem for SLING-8078 with Simo. So maybe we can have a similar approach here (at least for how this is configured in the plugin configuration).

I'm fine to extend the HandlerContext to provide configuration properties. I guess we should plan for clashes in the names of those properties between the handlers.

In the above mentioned issue we have a similar problem where configuration is passed to tasks. In that case each task has a name and the configuration map will contain keys in the form of "taskname_propertyname". When the actually configuration is passed down to the task, this map will be filtered and only properties without a prefix or with the right prefix will be passed. And that prefixed is removed.

For example if these parameters are passed from the plugin

and the task named "mytask" is invoked, the following paramters are available through the context to that task:

And then we have two types of handlers in your case, the PostProcessHandler and the MergeHandler. Do we need to distinguish between those when it comes to configuration?


Am 07.11.2018 um 17:46 schrieb David Bosschaert:
Hi all,

I would like to be able to send some parameters to my Feature Model
PostProcessHandler when its run from the slingfeature-maven-plugin. The
handlers in the org.apache.sling.feature.extension.apiregions component
generate files for the runtime component. I would like to be able to
configure where these files are written out so that I can later use them.

I was wondering what would be the best way to pass configuration to a
PostProcessHandler from the slingfeature-maven-plugin? There is already the
HandlerContext class passed to the handler, so maybe we can expand that
with a configuration map? Maybe as an extra tag in the <aggregate> section:










   <handlerConfig> <!-- something like this one? -->




Best regards,


Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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