Hi all,

after the vote last October [1] the Health Checks are now available in Felix [2]. I would suggest the following steps to resolve [3]:

1. Release the current API bundle with a fully deprecated API (so everyone upgrading to the latest version is pointed to a required change)
2. Write a migration guide (replacing most information on page [4])
3. The bundles HC core HC web console are not needed anymore. I would just empty the repositories for now and link to the migration guide in a README file [4] 4. The bundle HC support is used for Sling specific HC features that don't fit elsewhere, e.g. the ScriptableHealthCheck that is using the Sling ScriptEngineManager which is not available in Felix (but normally HCs go into the module they check, see 5.)
5. Adjust all Sling modules that come with HCs to use the new Felix API
6. Adjust the sling starter with a setup that will both support the deprecated Sling API and the new Felix API (using Sling HC API and Felix HC API side by side with the Felix HC Core achieves exactly that)

Is everybody happy with this approach? Do you see any pitfalls?

Best Regards

[1] https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/331c2ab9146f9758df0d84d433791e5518b114e7e509f0c94c901d09@%3Cdev.sling.apache.org%3E


[3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-7980

[4] https://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/sling-health-check-tool.html

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