> On 14. Mar 2019, at 10:19, Karl Pauls <karlpa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So I don't agree with
>>> The point that we for the writeback don't
>>> convert is hence, technically, a bug.
> It is - assuming we hold our documentation to be the source of what we
> support :-).
Since the implementation was there first before Carsten added the documentation 
I would rather say it is a documentation issue.

>> I would rather say the opposite: Write back and in general the .config file 
>> format supports almost all types (despite the documentation) except for the 
>> edge cases listed above.
> I would agree in general if we would have documented that we support
> the config file format - as long as we document our own format we can
> hardly mix the two.
Where is the config file format documented at Felix?
>> So I see actually only two issues here:
>> 1) Document how to deploy object arrays via .config files
> We already have that documented. I think you want to say: change the
> documentation to be about a full configuration admin .config.
Sorry, I meant primitive arrays of course

>> 2) Create issue for the not-yet supported edge cases of the write back (or 
>> rather the underlying Felix Configuration Handler), but I don't think it is 
>> worth actually fixing those, as those are really edge cases
> Yes, that is one possibility. However, I still think it would be a
> mistake to take our current definition (which is ok as far as I can
> see) and turn it into something else that we then don't fully support
> just because we have a writeback that isn't following our own
> definition to being with - no?
> regards,
> Karl
>> Does that make sense?
>> Konrad
>>> On 5. Mar 2019, at 13:58, Karl Pauls <karlpa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Again, there are several angles  We have something documented in
>>> sling. That is only talking about a capital "I" for object array and
>>> points to the felix config impl that will take an object array and
>>> serialize with an "I". The point that we for the writeback don't
>>> convert is hence, technically, a bug.
>>> We can desite that we want to change what we support and that would be
>>> fine by me. All I'm pointing out is that even if we do that, we still
>>> have something that doesn't seem sound if all we do is adding
>>> lowercases to the allowed types.We might not care or we might try to
>>> come up with a new definition (and add some backwards compatibility
>>> around it).
>>> That said, it seems like yes, we might want to consider to say:
>>> allowed types are upper and lower case array of primitives which will
>>> both result in a primitive array but the normative version is the
>>> lower case and we will backward compat exiting configs with object
>>> arrays to the new way (which would match what we have right now for
>>> the most part - except that we only do the bc conversion if the
>>> webconsole has been used). However, alternatively we could just fix
>>> the writeback to convert to none primitive array.  I don't feel
>>> strongly about it - just trying to point out what I see.
>>> Wrt. the metatype spec, yes, it seems like it should be primitive or
>>> list of things - not sure I would add that to the supported types
>>> (seems like a head-age nobody is asking for - but YMMV), afaik, we
>>> don't really claim it has something todo with the metatype in the
>>> documentation.
>>> regards,
>>> Karl
>>> On Tue, Mar 5, 2019 at 12:35 PM Konrad Windszus <konra...@gmx.de> wrote:
>>>> Slight correction
>>>> a Collection of Objects is supposed to be serialized e.g. as I(1,2)
>>>> I am wondering under which circumstances an array of Objects, e.g. I[1,2] 
>>>> is being emitted?
>>>>> On 5. Mar 2019, at 12:28, Konrad Windszus <konra...@gmx.de> wrote:
>>>>> Well, if I read the OSGi metatype spec correctly 
>>>>> (https://osgi.org/specification/osgi.cmpn/7.0.0/service.metatype.html#org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.AttributeType)
>>>>>  it is supposed to be a primitive array (serialized e.g. as i[1,2]) for a 
>>>>> positive cardinality and a Collection of Objects (serialized e.g. as 
>>>>> I[1,2])  for a negative cardinality.
>>>>> AFAICT the write back behaves accordingly to that spec, i.e. it will only 
>>>>> emit primitives for types having a positive cardinality and otherwise an 
>>>>> array of proper classes.
>>>>> Is that a wrong understanding?
>>>>> Konrad
>>>>>> On 5. Mar 2019, at 09:21, Karl Pauls <karlpa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I think the writeback is a bug as it stands right now. AFAICS, the
>>>>>> webconsole always converts arrays to primitive arrays and the
>>>>>> writeback just serialises what is there as is. Given that the
>>>>>> documentation only mentions a capital "I", the writeback should be
>>>>>> converting primitive arrays before writing back.
>>>>>> I don't mind changing the documentation to allow lower case "i" as
>>>>>> well - assuming that really already works in all places - however, it
>>>>>> will cause some inconsistencies because if you then put a config in
>>>>>> the repository with a capital "I" it will first create a config with a
>>>>>> none primitive array. Next, if you modify it using the webconsole it
>>>>>> will turn into a primitive array which will be written back as lower
>>>>>> case "i". Not sure that is a real problem but it is somewhat confusing
>>>>>> as the config in the repository now has a lower case "i".
>>>>>> In other words, I think we are really talking about two things - a bug
>>>>>> in the writeback and a potential broadening of the supported types.
>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>> Karl
>>>>>> On Mon, Mar 4, 2019 at 7:06 PM Carsten Ziegeler <cziege...@apache.org> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> +1 its always good to document reality...unless its a bug of course :)
>>>>>>> Carsten
>>>>>>> Georg Henzler wrote
>>>>>>>> If it works I'm +1 to document it...
>>>>>>>> On 2019-02-27 14:15, Konrad Windszus wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Despite the documentation at
>>>>>>>>> https://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/configuration-installer-factory.html#configuration-files-config
>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/apache/felix/blob/trunk/configadmin/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/cm/file/ConfigurationHandler.java>
>>>>>>>>> also primitive types are supported (with lower-case type information
>>>>>>>>> characters, compare with
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/felix/blob/ad2aabb04c754f86c6417c437256500dd61a4ffb/configadmin/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/cm/file/ConfigurationHandler.java#L92).
>>>>>>>>> Is there a reason why this is not documented?
>>>>>>>>> AFAIK the lowercase is also used for the JCR Installer write back,
>>>>>>>>> e.g. in case the metatype defines something like "<AD id="levels"
>>>>>>>>> type="Integer" cardinality="2147483647" name="Absolute Levels"
>>>>>>>>> description="List of absolute parent levels. Example: Absolute parent
>>>>>>>>> level 1 of '/foo/bar/test' is '/foo/bar'."/>"
>>>>>>>>> In case the cardinality is a large positive integer it is always
>>>>>>>>> supposed to be an array of primitives (compare with
>>>>>>>>> https://osgi.org/specification/osgi.cmpn/7.0.0/service.metatype.html#org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.AttributeType).
>>>>>>>>> Does anything speak against extending that documentation in that 
>>>>>>>>> regard?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Konrad
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Carsten Ziegeler
>>>>>>> Adobe Research Switzerland
>>>>>>> cziege...@apache.org
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Karl Pauls
>>>>>> karlpa...@gmail.com
>>> --
>>> Karl Pauls
>>> karlpa...@gmail.com
> -- 
> Karl Pauls
> karlpa...@gmail.com <mailto:karlpa...@gmail.com>

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