Sorry for the late feedback, in general I really like the idea to improve the release process!

The wiki states:

Many of these must be run by the release manager, since by definition releases are individual acts in the Apache Software Foundation.

Isn't pushing a button in Jenkins when you are logged in an individual act? IMHO it would be best to just have one pipeline that you start in Jenkins on master, builds (it's easy with git to have Jenkins commit as a certain user) and stages the release (the private GPG key might be problem, but I'm sure that can be solved somehow) and then sends the [VOTE] email to the mailing list. The votes can be done by simple input elements (that send an email to the mailing list if +1 is voted, -1 can be another button that would also sent that email and abort the pipeline).

Having it all in Jenkins would be simpler than a CLI tool (that again needs documentation). Also Jenkins can automatically acknowledge user rights (release start only for committers), it can also count the votes (binding/non-binding) after timeout and promote (or not promote) the release automatically.

Just imagine a workflow where
- one committer starts the release by just a click in Jenkins on Thursday night - three PMC members vote +1 within an hour (because things had been discussed already)
- all these people move on to other tasks
- on Sunday, the release pipeline automatically acknowledges the sufficient votes and does everything (including updating the site etc.) that is needed to finish the release

I think this would greatly improve productivity :)

There are probably reasons why this is not allowed (e.g. the release has to be built on a computer of an individual), but personally (if it is a problem) I think it could even be worthwhile to question these requirements with the ASF board.


On 2019-03-06 14:28, Robert Munteanu wrote:

I have been thinking lately about how we can improve our development
process for contributors/developers/release managers.

I have listed some issues that I perceived as important with proposed
solutions at

All comments are welcome:

- there are probably pain points I have missed
- maybe there are solutions I have overlooked
- maybe some pain points are my own and others have solved them :-)



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