Hi all,

https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/SLING/issues/SLING-8102 led to
removal of the Main class of the feature analyser making it no longer
usable standalone (taking away option b for the scenarios described below)

Afaict the analyser currently can only run in maven context which creates
some trouble where a validation is supposed to run in isolation based on
built and released features (checking if given features work together). I
initially tried to work around with the maven plugin but the analyser only
can run on the features it builds and won't allow me to refer external
artifacts - copying in the other artifacts in the project also doesn't work
as the check of the maven plugin fails for groupid & artifact id.

Here are the options I currently see:
a) the analyse mojo of slingfeature-maven-plugin is improved to be able to
analyse against adhoc merged features and also supports injecting external
artifacts (optimally both maven coordinates or file location) - this would
allow to validate the combination of features intended to be used in the

b) add a standalone analyser as it was present before - here I could think
of not embedding the features but rather produce a sidecar jar with all the
dependencies that could be set on the classpath for execution, eliminating
the trouble addressed via SLING-8102 in a sligthly different way while
still keeping the option to validate in a pre launcher phase via CLI tool

c) adding validation capabilities to the launcher to be able to run the
analyser tasks via cli through the launcher

My personal tendency is that a & c might both be quite reasonable to have
around (a giving quick roundtrip times during development cycles/build
phase - while c rather matches operational validation where the build of
the features happens decoupled from the final aggregation/combination). b
rather feels like a workaround of c if we don't want to have the analyser
being part of the launcher to keep it as slim as possible.

Btw. I don't suggest to make analysis a mandatory step in the launcher but
at least an option.



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