On Wed, 2019-06-12 at 16:27 +0200, Timothee Maret wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> Assuming the latest report was published on March 20th 2019 [0], then
> the
> following releases may need to be included.
> - Testing Sling Mock Oak 2.1.6
> - Webconsole Security Provider 1.2.2
> - Sling Maven Plugin 2.4.2
> - Testing PaxExam 3.0.0
> - Sling Default POST Servlets 2.3.30
> - Sling Form Based Authentication Handler 1.0.14
> - Sling Starter Content 1.0.4
> - Sling Project Archetype 1.0.1
> - Content Distribution Journal Messages 0.1.0
> - Content Distribution Journal Core 0.1.0
> - Content Distribution Journal Kafka 0.1.0
> - Content Distribution Journal ITs 0.1.0
> - Health Check API 1.0.4
> - Health Check Support Components 1.0.6
> - Installer Factory Configuration 1.2.2
> - Testing OSGi Mock 2.4.8
> - Servlet Helpers 1.1.10
> - Testing JCR Mock 1.4.4
> - Testing ResourceResolver Mock 1.1.24
> I compiled the diff myself. I can't access 
> https://reporter.apache.org thus
> can't help you validate further what may be missing with the
> automated
> process.

Thanks, Timothee. That's a pretty large list ... I will include it in
the report manually.

I hope that the committer CLI referenced in my reply to Konrad will
make such things harder to overlook.



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