Dan, thanks for reporting the issue - what version of sling, java, node are you using?

On 7/15/2019 6:26 AM, Daniel Klco wrote:

Nice idea! The package CLI tool is a nice tool beyond just being a Node

I did have some trouble installing the simple-sling-vue-example into a
local Sling instance. It's possible that my node definitions are somehow
messed up, but I got the following error message:

Collecting import information... Installing node types... Installing
privileges... Importing content... - / - /content E
/content/vuecontentbrowser ! javax.jcr.nodetype.NoSuchNodeTypeException:
Node type sling0:OrderedFolder does not exist E
/content/vuecontentbrowser/css ! java.lang.IllegalStateException: Parent
node not found. E /content/vuecontentbrowser/css/app.d4b2f170.css !
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Parent node not found. E
/content/vuecontentbrowser/js ! java.lang.IllegalStateException: Parent
node not found. E /content/vuecontentbrowser/js/app.ea81798f.js !
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Parent node not found. E
/content/vuecontentbrowser/js/app.ea81798f.js.map !
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Parent node not found. E
/content/vuecontentbrowser/js/chunk-vendors.c9e50ecf.js !
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Parent node not found. E
/content/vuecontentbrowser/js/chunk-vendors.c9e50ecf.js.map !
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Parent node not found. E
/content/vuecontentbrowser/favicon.ico ! java.lang.IllegalStateException:
Parent node not found. E /content/vuecontentbrowser/index.html !
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Parent node not found. saving approx 10
nodes... Package imported (with errors, check logs!)

On Sun, Jul 14, 2019 at 11:44 AM Ruben Reusser <r...@headwire.com> wrote:

Dear Sling Developers,

in an effort to help 'front end developers' embrace Apache Sling and in
order to make simple front-end Sling projects maven independent we
created a node only slingpackager [1] and a sample VueJs based Slnig
Content Browser [2] as a showcase project.

We'd like to see the slingpackager (and potentially the showcase
example) be part of Apache Sling and maybe live on npmjs in an Apache
Sling organization (@apachesling for example).

We'd love to hear what you think about this!

Ruben Reusser

[1] https://github.com/peregrine-cms/slingpackager
[2] https://github.com/peregrine-cms/simple-sling-vue-example

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