- resource mapping
  - add a new SPI to define the mapping
  - add a default impl that reads the mapping from /etc/map as it is done today
  - possible to override with service ranking
  - but: there is already the ResourceMapper interface
    - introduced 1-2 years ago, use case was to get all existing mappings
    - with this it's currently possible to replace mapping completely with new 
  - maybe add a support to "contribute" additional mappings via a service 
interface additional to this

- generic externalizer API
  - naming not fixed yet, should not named "link" as this is too specific. 
probably "URL".
  - needs a java API for using, and an SPI for hooking in special rules
  - then add mappings for views in HTL*, JSP, model exporter/JSON
    * probably starting with a sling-only HTL extension for try-out, add it 
later to the spec when design is validated
  - might be inspired by the basic features for wcm.io URL handler [1]

- rewriter pipeline
  - should be deprecated and no longer be used - especially not for link 
externalization via postprocessing
  - it may still be in use out there for more exotic use cases like PDF 
  - should probably removed from sling starter


[1] https://wcm.io/handler/url/

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