Hi all,

I've followed documentation to build Sling CMS APP
at org-apache-sling-app-cms/docs/building.md, where it says:

To run the Sling CMS, build the code and copy the files
builder/src/main/scripts/start.sh builder/src/main/scripts/stop.sh and
builder/target/org.apache.sling.cms-{VERSION].jar to a directory. Execute
the script ./start.sh to start Sling CMS.

Well, when I do this, I get error:
$ /bin/sh
 /path/to/workspace/org-apache-sling-app-cms/target/distro/start.sh ( copy
of a builder/src/main/scripts/start.sh ).
ls: cannot access '*cms*.jar': No such file or directory
Application started on port 8080!

Well, I run this from inside InteliJ IDEA, and I guess it is more of a
missing feature on iDEA to set home/working directory, but eather way, if
start.sh and stop.sh would be changed in a way, to set/switch to working
directory like this:

( start.sh:23 )
basename="$(dirname $script)"
cd $basename

With added check if JAR file was found like this:

JARFILE=`ls *cms*.jar | head -1`
if [ -z "$JARFILE" ]; then
  echo "No JAR file found."
mkdir -p sling/logs

Now it works as expected:

Application started on port 8080!

Also, variable APP_PORT is set, if not defined. I guess it would make sense
to pre-set APP_DEBUG_PORT if missing, as I guess this is almost-always used
for debug/testing purposes and not in production environment.

Other than this, Sling CMS app works out-of-the box. Very, very nice.
Cheers to the authors.

Master git branch from GitHub.

Kind Regards,

Miroslav Beranič

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