Hi Andy,

Glad to see these modules graduate out the incubator :-)

Can you please:

1. List the code locations of the two modules
2. Specify the proposed artifact ids/github repo names
3. Phrase this as a [VOTE]? I think it's fine for it to be lazy - don't
wait for 3 votes, but at least see that no one objects for 72 hours,
maybe longer since a weekend is coming up.


On Thu, 2020-01-16 at 17:21 -0800, Andreas Schaefer wrote:
> Hi
> I updated and tested both the **sling-org-apache-sling-feature-
> starter** which creates an executable JAR file and the **sling-
> slingstart-feature-maven-plugin** which does start and stop a Sling
> instance so that they work like their PM peers.
> That said the Sling Starter does only create an executable JAR file
> and the Slingstart Maven Plugin only supports start and stop.
> Additional Mojos and support for a Webapp can be added later but for
> now I wanted to be able to launch Sling FM based through a JAR file
> and test it in an IT test setting.
> In addition the Sling Feature Starter is using an externally created
> Sling FM file but that will change by either using dedicated FMs
> (something like the PMs of now) or including bundle artifacts. 
> With that I would request to promote both from the Sling-Whiteboard
> into their own Sling Modules to further develop these two modules.
> Cheers - Andy

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