Here are the steps we follow to create a replica set in podman. We use a
pod to hold all the mongo instances, which is a concept not likely present
in docker:

1. Create a pod

podman pod create --name mongo-replica-set -p 30001 -p 30002 -p 30003

2. Create 3 mongo containers in the pod (the minimum required for a replica

Each container will expose a different port for mongo (30001-3)

podman run -d --pod mongo-replica-set --name mongo1 mongo:3.6 mongod
--port 30001 --replSet mongo-repl-set
podman run -d --pod mongo-replica-set --name mongo2 mongo:3.6 mongod
--port 30002 --replSet mongo-repl-set
podman run -d --pod mongo-replica-set --name mongo3 mongo:3.6 mongod
--port 30003 --replSet mongo-repl-set

3. To verify the previous step, connect to mongo on one of the specified
ports (this assumes you have a local installation of the mongo client)

mongo --port 30001

4. Once connected, create a connection to a database (in this case, the
'test' database but it may be the 'pantheondb' one which is what's used in

> db = (new Mongo('localhost:30001')).getDB('test')

5. To tie all three containers in a replica set, create a configuration in
the form of a json object (this is still happening in the mongo shell)

> config = {
   "_id" : "mongo-repl-set",
   "members" : [
     "_id" : 0,
     "host" : "localhost:30001"
     "_id" : 1,
     "host" : "localhost:30002"
     "_id" : 2,
     "host" : "localhost:30003"

6. Use the configuration object to initialize the replica set

> rs.initiate(config)

You should see a confirmation message of this type:

  { "ok" : 1,
    "operationTime" : Timestamp(1581368609, 1),
    "$clusterTime" : {
      "clusterTime" : Timestamp(1581368609, 1),
      "signature" : {
        "hash" : BinData(0,"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA="),
        "keyId" : NumberLong(0)

All members of the replica set should now be available via localhost:port
either from within the pod, or exposed to the local machine via the pod
created in step 1.

Is there a reason why the Jcr repository could be restarting? And what
class could we start looking into to debug if this is the case? I have
unsuccessfully tried to increase the logging level in Sling but nothing
I've done has worked.


On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 4:43 AM Robert Munteanu <> wrote:

> On Mon, 2020-02-10 at 17:16 -0500, Carlos Munoz wrote:
> > Thanks Sergiu, I will give that a shot (removing that configuration
> > item I
> > mean).
> >
> > I actually managed to replicate some of the weird symptoms locally.
> > It
> > required me to set up a local mongo replica set. (I used podman, so
> > let me
> > know if you need the steps I followed to do this). The first time I
> > ran
> > sling against my local database it worked, but after running the
> > second
> > time it froze up before our bundle could even come up.
> Steps to reproduce are always great :-)
> I don't have podman installed, but IIRC commands podman and docker CLI
> commands should be compatible, so feel free to add those.
> >
> > I did see a lot of entries like these, where it seems to registering
> > and
> > subsequently unregistering the same service(s) multiple times:
> (snip)
> Sounds like something low-level is restarting, causing lots of other
> services to restart. Maybe the repository itself?
> Robert

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