did you try to use

it can be used standalone or as part of sling mocks.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Andreas Schaefer [mailto:schaef...@me.com.INVALID]
>Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2020 10:34 PM
>To: dev
>Subject: Enhancing Testing Client OSGi package
>I am working on a project with many backend OSGi services that have many
>references between them and I ran into many issues when the services were
>not fully workable due to unsatisfied references.
>The Testing Clients’ OsgiConsoleClient has a few methods to introspect the
>state of the OSGi bundles, components and services but they are not easy to
>In my case I need to find the ‘Declarative Service Components’, then get
>their Service Info and check that any reference of these components are
>satisfied. After some back and forth I was able to implement these tests
>but I could not use the OsgiConsoleClient which makes for a lot of heavy
>handed JsonNode parsing.
>So I was wondering if this is of interest for Sling to have a better way to
>inspect the OSGi system. This is what I have in mind:
>- Add additional data from the bundles into the BundleInfo class (like the
>Declarative Service Components)
>- Add additional data from the components into the ComponentInfo
>(references etc)
>- Add a method to call the OSGi Console from the OsgiConsoleClient directly
>(it does not support depths so the SlingClient’s doGet() does not work)
>Let me know if you think this would be valuable for Sling Testing Clients.
>- Andy

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