Hi Radu and Bertrand,

The only thing left here is the private caching. The queries run in 
authenticated environment and if the CDN does not support private caching then 
I guess it has to be supported by sling right?


On 10/08/2020, 12:15, "Bertrand Delacretaz" <bdelacre...@apache.org> wrote:

    Hi Radu,
    On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 10:54 AM Radu Cotescu <r...@apache.org> wrote:
    > > On 7 Aug 2020, at 16:18, Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacre...@apache.org> 
    > > 5) There's no guarantee on how long the prepared queries are stored, a
    > > client that gets a 404 on a prepared query request must be prepared to
    > > use the default POST request method or store the prepared query again
    > Instead of replying with a 404 and asking the client to do another POST + 
GET, couldn’t we just return the
    > updated results with updated cache headers?
    > Judging by how you describe the algorithm, the Sling server would still 
have to maintain a cache internally...
    I wasn't planning to store the query results on the Sling side, just
    the query itself and enough information to be able to process
    conditional HTTP requests.
    So a complete scenario could be like
    1. Client wants to run a query with digest cf81d4 (computed according
    to a definition that we publish)
    2. Client GETs /prepared/cf81d4.json and receives a 404 as the query
    store is empty
    3. Client POSTs the query to /prepared and receives a 201 created
    4. Client GETs /prepared/cf81d4.json and receives the results along
    with ETag and Cache-Control headers which allow a front-end HTTP cache
    to store it
    5. Later, the same or another client GETs /prepared/cf81d4.json
    through the HTTP cache, which based on headers received at 4. serves
    results from cache and does not touch Sling
    6. Later, the same or another client GETs /prepared/cf81d4.json, the
    results caching period expired but Sling still has that query stored,
    so it runs the query again and returns a new ETag
    7. If a request comes later with an expired cache and the cf81d4 query
    has been purged, Sling returns a 404 and the client has to start over
    a 2.
    With this scenario (assuming it works, your sanity check of that is
    welcome) Sling just needs to store the queries, ETag and cache
    expiration time, which I suppose is much less than query results?

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