> I think it's more likely to cause the FN rate to go up.  A trivial way
> around is to put in enough non-spam URIs such that the likelihood is
> that your spam URI won't be listed.

I think a good work-around and improvement would be to change the
randomization function to favor certain URLs:

 - earlier == higher probability
 - visible == higher probability
 - clickable == higher probability

But, keep it random and allow even late/invisible/unclickable to be
queried so we can't be completely fooled by some HTML trick.
> Perhaps we'll need a rule to look for "too many URIs" in a message. <G>


Daniel Quinlan                     ApacheCon! 13-17 November (3 SpamAssassin
http://www.pathname.com/~quinlan/  http://www.apachecon.com/  sessions & more)

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