--- Comment #14 from Mark Martinec <> 2011-09-21 16:03:34 
UTC ---
> Mark: Now i can see problem isn't with bayes (btw, here is timing with
> bayes: timing:
> total 112630 ms - init: 12826 (11.4%), parse: 586 (0.5%),
> extract_message_metadata: 23647 (21.0%), get_uri_detail_list: 2087 
> (1.9%), tests_pri_-1000: 66 (0.1%), compile_gen: 1178 (1.0%), compile_eval: 
> 112
> (0.1%), tests_pri_-950: 49 (0.0%), tests_pri_-900: 54 (0.0%), tests_pri_-400:
> 15186 (1 3.5%), check_bayes: 15111 (13.4%), tests_pri_0: 41549 (36.9%),
> tests_pri_500: 515 (0.5%)

Thanks. This looks about right for a slow or heavily loaded machine.
My numbers for the same message are smaller by about a factor of about
4 .. 7 each, but the ratio is similar.

> It looks bayes isn't bootleneck.

My bayes takes about 1.1 s.  Giving an average factor of 5, yours is
still comparatively about 3 times slower, but it is still in a ballpark.
Agreed, your bayes isn't bootleneck.

> The root problem is "dying" tcp connection beetwen spamc and spamd.
> I'll try to investigate this.

Start by enabling -D on spamd and capturing the log of one incident
on a file (directly or through syslog), before diving into strace
and tcpdump.

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