On Tuesday October 23 2012 22:26:00 Axb wrote:
> Spamc/Spamd's "skip size" method  has made a huge *positive* difference
> on FPs, and scan times.
> The FNs wouldn't *ever* have been caught by a chunk method due to the
> kind of content included "above" threshold.

Out of curiosity, during the last 10 days our system detected
almost 200 large spam messages (manually confirmed spam) with
size above 400 kB (of which SpamAssassin saw only the first
420 kB, the rest was truncated).

Of these there were 55 distinct species:
 17 in the  400..500 kB region
 16 in the  500..700 kB region
  9 in the  700..1000 kB region
 10 in the 1000..2000 kB region
  2 of 2.8 MB
  1 of 3.6 MB

Median spam score (by species) for these was Q2=15.5,
quartiles score Q1=11 and Q3=27, so I'd say SpamAssassin did
a good job with these. The most valuable score contributions
seems to have been a mail header section (subject, RBL, bayes),
attachment contents was probably less important.


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