Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

> 1 - Anyone know what the made-doc-stamp file does?
no idea

> 2 - Should a prelease version still include the svn revision?
> SpamAssassin 3.4.0-pre1-r1406273.  This is during the testing as part of
> the build process.

Can't hurt to have it, makes it easier to find the corresponding version,
unless one wants to tag the pre1 revision in svn.

> 3 - Is revision 1149751 the right version to use to create the Changes
> file?

Looks about right.
I'd leave out all the 'promotions validated' and 'auto-generated rules'.

> 4 - Should Changes file be word-wrapped or left as-is?

Wrapped would be my choice.

> 5 - Need to add Devel-SawAmpersand installation to the docs or something
> in the Build information

I wouldn't worry much about Devel-SawAmpersand, it was
intended for developers only. Starting with perl 5.17.7
it became irrelevant:

perldelta 5.17.7:

  Core Enhancements 
  $&, $` and $' are no longer slow

  These three infamous variables have been redeemed and no longer slow
  down your program when used. Hence, the /p regular expression flag
  now does nothing.

> 6 - Need to document process to upload new release to Cpan preferably
> tagged as a development release for some testing.

> 7 - There is a task in the build README to run prove -v xt which I've
> never run.

The t/README suggests:
  make test TEST_FILES="t/spam*.t"
so this would make a:
  make test TEST_FILES="xt/*.t"

> However, it seems to fail with errors.
> For example, I have Devel::SawAmpersand installed but it doesn't work:
> xt/20_saw_ampersand.................cannot open test suite configuration
> file 'config.dist': No such file or directory at ../t/ line 827.
> dubious
>          Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)

Indeed. I also had to make a link in xt to the t/data directory:
  cd t; ln -s ../t/data ./

After that it completes successfully here (perl 5.16.2, FreeBSD 9.1),
but not in 5.17.7 where it always returns a value 7 (all three bits set),
probably because nobody cares about it any longer.

> 8 - Run prove -v xt 2>&1 | tee xt-output-2012-12-31.log
> Failures are:
> xt/20_saw_ampersand.t    2   512    ??   ??       %  ??
> xt/50_dcc.t                          4    2  50.00%  2 4
> xt/50_razor2.t                       2    1  50.00%  1
> Razor2 worked the second time (seen this many times)
> I don't have DCC configured so that's likely the issue for that test.

xt/50_dcc.t and xt/50_razor2.t run successfully here.

> Finally, cd t; prove -v ../xt/20_saw_ampersand.t appeared to allow
> config.dist to be located and the sawampersand xt test to be proven.

> 9 - Fix the jmason hard coding's in xt files?

Perhaps change the:
  system('sudo chown -R jmason t/log');
  my $uid = (stat("t"))[4];
  system("sudo chown -R $uid t/log") if $uid;


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