On 02/18/2014 11:57 PM, Adam Katz wrote:
The real question (which I should admittedly know the answer to) is
whether it is safe to unleash this.  I've been hosting it on my own
sa-update channel for all that time merely because SA rules updates
aren't prompt enough to host directly.  Is that still the case?

I do not think these rules are unsafe to run in production (the CIDR8
rules are unsafe in theory and I wouldn't want those scored directly
even though it has been safe in practice).  I've got some (safer)
downstream remixes of these rules that I'll push up if the main
updates.spamassassin.org mechanism is safe.

there's several reasons why I consider these rules as dangerous and should not be included in the default SA ruleset.

1.- rules are created outside the the project's infrastructure and SA devs have no way to quickly control/modify output in case something goes bad.

2.- Spamcop is riddled with FPs and creating static rules based on it's output is either adding dangerous overlap or next to pointless due to low score. I'm positive this could initiate a whole separate discussion outside this thread.

4.- If your autocreating routine goes MIA, ppl are left with stale data - SA project has no control over that data.

5.- masscheck results are a very small snapshot of global traffic and static IP/CIDR lists should be avoided - stuff changes too fast and a delayed daily update of a rule file is fine in a separate sa-update channel (yours, in this case) but should not be part of the SA framework.

A good example of preoblematic auto generated problems are the SOUGHT rules, one of them being empty for many months and as things are now we have no immediate way to fix whatever is required so it's good for them to be in an optional channel outside the default SA scope. Admins have a choice to drop a third party channel and the SA dev group cannot be made responsible for any issues outside their control.

Last but not least, SA should deliver a basic ruleset which should work globally, as static as possible and auto generated stuff should not affect the framework's results. Even autopromoted stuff has it's caveats and there are big plans to work on this to make SA leaner and avoid surprises.

Personally, I don't consider it fair and questionable that you make use of the volunteered masschecker resources to do QA for your personal channel for years yet don't run a masschecker yourself.

For these reason I ask you to remove the 20_khop_sc_bug_6114.cf file from the sandbox



On 02/18/2014 01:19 AM, Axb wrote:
Could we PLEASE loose this rules file?


We've been masschecking it for 4 years and it's tflags nopublish and
pretty dangerous to use in production if you have more than a "man &
his dog" setup.

I see no reason to throw cycles/resources to masscheck such rules for


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