On 7/30/2014 11:45 AM, Axb wrote:

--- 20_misc_testing.cf    (revision 1614687)
+++ 20_misc_testing.cf    (revision 1614688)
@@ -1572,5 +1572,6 @@

 uri            URI_IP_UNSUB m;^[a-z]+://(?:\d+\.){3}\d+/.*unsubscribe;i
 describe       URI_IP_UNSUB     IP-address unsubscribe URI
+tflags         URI_IP_UNSUB     publish


Why is this rule being tflagged to publish?

it's S/0 hardly rates it.

with only 19 masscheck hits?
According to the wiki, "rules without an explicit "tflags publish" line are never published", https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/SaUpdateBackend

So this means more that it's now for consideration of promotion. I do not believe it's auto-promotion which is what I think you are thinking.

Right now, since it's T_, it's being handled as a test rule not a promoted rule.


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