--- Comment #2 from Henrik Krohns <> ---
Ok I steamed all evening to come up with something. I'll upload the
changes/diffs here before committing a large blob like this.. reviews,
suggestions, votes welcomed..

- Let's deprecate Util/ completely, but keep it bundled
for now because of third party plugins etc. Maybe delete all the leftovers on
3.5 release.

- Implement Mail::SpamAssassin::RegistryBoundaries (now is a good time to "fix"
the name :-D), basically the same code just copied

- Only way I managed to make the tld lists work dynamically everywhere is load
RegistryBoundaries in the root (even before plugins are
initialized, so plugins can se all the tlds there)

- Basically replaced
Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::RegistrarBoundaries::xxxx_domain() calls everywhere
with $self->{main}->{registryboundaries}->xxxx_domain()

- (temporarily) includes hardcoded list of domains, so things still
work before sa-update is done to get the updated, which now
includes all TLDs (new function clear_util_rb makes sure hardcoded values are

- Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::uri_to_domain is deprecated and moved to
RegistryBoundaries since it needs the dynamic $self variables

Everything should work without breaking anything on any version.. maybe I
missed some scenario so check it out. :-)

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