Github user mengxr commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/tree/DecisionTree.scala ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,915 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    + * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    + * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +package org.apache.spark.mllib.tree
    +import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
    +import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
    +import org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.model._
    +import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, Logging}
    +import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint
    +import org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.model.Split
    +import scala.util.control.Breaks._
    +import org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.configuration.Strategy
    +import org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.configuration.QuantileStrategy._
    +import org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.configuration.FeatureType._
    +import org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.configuration.Algo._
    +import org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.impurity.Impurity
    +A class that implements a decision tree algorithm for classification and 
    +It supports both continuous and categorical features.
    +@param strategy The configuration parameters for the tree algorithm which 
specify the type of
    +algorithm (classification,
    +regression, etc.), feature type (continuous, categorical), depth of the 
    +quantile calculation strategy, etc.
    + */
    +class DecisionTree private (val strategy : Strategy) extends Serializable 
with Logging {
    +  /**
    +  Method to train a decision tree model over an RDD
    +  @param input RDD of [[org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint]] 
used as training data
    +  for DecisionTree
    +  @return a DecisionTreeModel that can be used for prediction
    +   */
    +  def train(input : RDD[LabeledPoint]) : DecisionTreeModel = {
    +    //Cache input RDD for speedup during multiple passes
    +    input.cache()
    +    val (splits, bins) = DecisionTree.findSplitsBins(input, strategy)
    +    logDebug("numSplits = " + bins(0).length)
    +    strategy.numBins = bins(0).length
    +    val maxDepth = strategy.maxDepth
    +    val maxNumNodes = scala.math.pow(2,maxDepth).toInt - 1
    +    val filters = new Array[List[Filter]](maxNumNodes)
    +    filters(0) = List()
    +    val parentImpurities = new Array[Double](maxNumNodes)
    +    //Dummy value for top node (updated during first split calculation)
    +    //parentImpurities(0) = Double.MinValue
    +    val nodes = new Array[Node](maxNumNodes)
    +    logDebug("algo = " + strategy.algo)
    +    breakable {
    +      for (level <- 0 until maxDepth){
    +        logDebug("#####################################")
    +        logDebug("level = " + level)
    +        logDebug("#####################################")
    +        //Find best split for all nodes at a level
    +        val splitsStatsForLevel = DecisionTree.findBestSplits(input, 
parentImpurities, strategy,
    +          level, filters,splits,bins)
    +        for ((nodeSplitStats, index) <- 
    +          extractNodeInfo(nodeSplitStats, level,  index, nodes)
    +          extractInfoForLowerLevels(level, index, maxDepth, 
nodeSplitStats, parentImpurities,
    +            filters)
    +          logDebug("final best split = " + nodeSplitStats._1)
    +        }
    +        require(scala.math.pow(2,level)==splitsStatsForLevel.length)
    +        val allLeaf = splitsStatsForLevel.forall(_._2.gain <= 0 )
    +        logDebug("all leaf = " + allLeaf)
    +        if (allLeaf) break
    +      }
    +    }
    +    val topNode = nodes(0)
    +    val decisionTreeModel = {
    +      return new DecisionTreeModel(topNode, strategy.algo)
    +    }
    +    return decisionTreeModel
    +  }
    +  private def extractNodeInfo(
    +      nodeSplitStats: (Split, InformationGainStats),
    +      level: Int, index: Int,
    +      nodes: Array[Node]) {
    +    val split = nodeSplitStats._1
    +    val stats = nodeSplitStats._2
    +    val nodeIndex = scala.math.pow(2, level).toInt - 1 + index
    +    val isLeaf = (stats.gain <= 0) || (level == strategy.maxDepth - 1)
    +    val node = new Node(nodeIndex, stats.predict, isLeaf, Some(split), 
None, None, Some(stats))
    +    logDebug("Node = " + node)
    +    nodes(nodeIndex) = node
    +  }
    +  private def extractInfoForLowerLevels(
    +      level: Int,
    +      index: Int,
    +      maxDepth: Int,
    +      nodeSplitStats: (Split, InformationGainStats),
    +      parentImpurities: Array[Double],
    +      filters: Array[List[Filter]]) {
    +    for (i <- 0 to 1) {
    +      val nodeIndex = scala.math.pow(2, level + 1).toInt - 1 + 2 * index + 
    +      if (level < maxDepth - 1) {
    +        val impurity = if (i == 0) {
    +          nodeSplitStats._2.leftImpurity
    +        } else {
    +          nodeSplitStats._2.rightImpurity
    +        }
    +        logDebug("nodeIndex = " + nodeIndex + ", impurity = " + impurity)
    +        parentImpurities(nodeIndex) = impurity
    +        val childFilter = new Filter(nodeSplitStats._1, if (i == 0) -1 
else 1)
    +        filters(nodeIndex) = childFilter :: filters((nodeIndex - 1) / 2)
    +        for (filter <- filters(nodeIndex)) {
    +          logDebug("Filter = " + filter)
    +        }
    +      }
    +    }
    +  }
    +object DecisionTree extends Serializable with Logging {
    +  /**
    +  Method to train a decision tree model over an RDD
    +  @param input RDD of [[org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint]] 
used as training data
    +  for DecisionTree
    +  @param strategy The configuration parameters for the tree algorithm 
which specify the type of algorithm
    +                                  (classification, regression, etc.), 
feature type (continuous, categorical),
    +                                  depth of the tree, quantile calculation 
strategy, etc.
    +  @return a DecisionTreeModel that can be used for prediction
    +  */
    +  def train(input : RDD[LabeledPoint], strategy : Strategy) : 
DecisionTreeModel = {
    +    new DecisionTree(strategy).train(input : RDD[LabeledPoint])
    +  }
    +  /**
    +  Method to train a decision tree model over an RDD
    +  @param input RDD of [[org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint]] 
used as training data
    +  for DecisionTree
    +  @param algo classification or regression
    +  @param impurity criterion used for information gain calculation
    +  @param maxDepth maximum depth of the tree
    +  @return a DecisionTreeModel that can be used for prediction
    +    */
    +  def train(
    +             input : RDD[LabeledPoint],
    +             algo : Algo,
    +             impurity : Impurity,
    +             maxDepth : Int
    +             ) : DecisionTreeModel = {
    +    val strategy = new Strategy(algo,impurity,maxDepth)
    +    new DecisionTree(strategy).train(input : RDD[LabeledPoint])
    +  }
    +  /**
    +  Method to train a decision tree model over an RDD
    +  @param input RDD of [[org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint]] 
used as training data
    +  for DecisionTree
    +  @param algo classification or regression
    +  @param impurity criterion used for information gain calculation
    +  @param maxDepth maximum depth of the tree
    +  @param maxBins maximum number of bins used for splitting features
    +  @param quantileCalculationStrategy algorithm for calculating quantiles
    +  @param categoricalFeaturesInfo A map storing information about the 
categorical variables and the number of discrete
    +                                 values they take. For example, an entry 
(n -> k) implies the feature n is
    +                                 categorical with k categories 0, 1, 2, 
... , k-1. It's important to note that
    +                                 features are zero-indexed.
    +  @return a DecisionTreeModel that can be used for prediction
    +    */
    +  def train(
    +             input : RDD[LabeledPoint],
    +             algo : Algo,
    +             impurity : Impurity,
    +             maxDepth : Int,
    +             maxBins : Int,
    +             quantileCalculationStrategy : QuantileStrategy,
    +             categoricalFeaturesInfo : Map[Int,Int]
    +             ) : DecisionTreeModel = {
    +    val strategy = new 
    +    new DecisionTree(strategy).train(input : RDD[LabeledPoint])
    +  }
    +  /**
    +  Returns an Array[Split] of optimal splits for all nodes at a given level
    +  @param input RDD of [[org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint]] 
used as training data
    +                            for DecisionTree
    +  @param parentImpurities Impurities for all parent nodes for the current 
    +  @param strategy [[org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.configuration.Strategy]] 
instance containing
    +                                 parameters for construction the 
    +  @param level Level of the tree
    +  @param filters Filter for all nodes at a given level
    +  @param splits possible splits for all features
    +  @param bins possible bins for all features
    +  @return Array[Split] instance for best splits for all nodes at a given 
    +    */
    +  def findBestSplits(
    +                      input : RDD[LabeledPoint],
    +                      parentImpurities : Array[Double],
    +                      strategy: Strategy,
    +                      level: Int,
    +                      filters : Array[List[Filter]],
    +                      splits : Array[Array[Split]],
    +                      bins : Array[Array[Bin]]) : Array[(Split, 
InformationGainStats)] = {
    +    //Common calculations for multiple nested methods
    +    val numNodes = scala.math.pow(2, level).toInt
    +    logDebug("numNodes = " + numNodes)
    +    //Find the number of features by looking at the first sample
    +    val numFeatures = input.take(1)(0).features.length
    +    logDebug("numFeatures = " + numFeatures)
    +    val numBins = strategy.numBins
    +    logDebug("numBins = " + numBins)
    +    /*Find the filters used before reaching the current code*/
    +    def findParentFilters(nodeIndex: Int): List[Filter] = {
    +      if (level == 0) {
    +        List[Filter]()
    +      } else {
    +        val nodeFilterIndex = scala.math.pow(2, level).toInt - 1 + 
    +        filters(nodeFilterIndex)
    +      }
    +    }
    +    /**
    +    Find whether the sample is valid input for the current node.
    +    In other words, does it pass through all the filters for the current 
    +    */
    +    def isSampleValid(parentFilters: List[Filter], labeledPoint: 
LabeledPoint): Boolean = {
    +      //Leaf
    +      if ((level > 0) & (parentFilters.length == 0) ){
    +        return false
    +      }
    +      for (filter <- parentFilters) {
    +        val features = labeledPoint.features
    +        val featureIndex = filter.split.feature
    +        val threshold = filter.split.threshold
    +        val comparison = filter.comparison
    +        val categories = filter.split.categories
    +        val isFeatureContinuous = filter.split.featureType == Continuous
    +        val feature =  features(featureIndex)
    +        if (isFeatureContinuous){
    +          comparison match {
    +            case(-1) => if (feature > threshold) return false
    +            case(1) => if (feature <= threshold) return false
    +          }
    +        } else {
    +          val containsFeature = categories.contains(feature)
    +          comparison match {
    +            case(-1) =>  if (!containsFeature) return false
    +            case(1) =>  if (containsFeature) return false
    +          }
    +        }
    +      }
    +      true
    +    }
    +    /**
    +    Finds the right bin for the given feature
    +    */
    +    def findBin(featureIndex: Int, labeledPoint: LabeledPoint, 
isFeatureContinuous : Boolean) : Int = {
    +      if (isFeatureContinuous){
    +        for (binIndex <- 0 until strategy.numBins) {
    +          val bin = bins(featureIndex)(binIndex)
    +          val lowThreshold = bin.lowSplit.threshold
    +          val highThreshold = bin.highSplit.threshold
    +          val features = labeledPoint.features
    +          if ((lowThreshold < features(featureIndex)) & (highThreshold >= 
features(featureIndex))) {
    +            return binIndex
    +          }
    +        }
    +        throw new UnknownError("no bin was found for continuous variable.")
    +      } else {
    +        for (binIndex <- 0 until strategy.numBins) {
    +          val bin = bins(featureIndex)(binIndex)
    +          val category = bin.category
    +          val features = labeledPoint.features
    +          if (category == features(featureIndex)) {
    +            return binIndex
    +          }
    +        }
    +        throw new UnknownError("no bin was found for categorical 
    +      }
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     Finds bins for all nodes (and all features) at a given level
    +     k features, l nodes (level = log2(l))
    +     Storage label, b11, b12, b13, .., bk, b21, b22, .. ,bl1, bl2, .. ,blk
    +     Denotes invalid sample for tree by noting bin for feature 1 as -1
    +    */
    +    def findBinsForLevel(labeledPoint : LabeledPoint) : Array[Double] = {
    +      // calculating bin index and label per feature per node
    +      val arr = new Array[Double](1+(numFeatures * numNodes))
    +      arr(0) = labeledPoint.label
    +      for (nodeIndex <- 0 until numNodes) {
    +        val parentFilters = findParentFilters(nodeIndex)
    +        //Find out whether the sample qualifies for the particular node
    +        val sampleValid = isSampleValid(parentFilters, labeledPoint)
    +        val shift = 1 + numFeatures * nodeIndex
    +        if (!sampleValid) {
    +          //Add to invalid bin index -1
    +          breakable {
    +            for (featureIndex <- 0 until numFeatures) {
    +              arr(shift+featureIndex) = -1
    +              //Breaking since marking one bin is sufficient
    +              break()
    +            }
    +          }
    +        } else {
    +          for (featureIndex <- 0 until numFeatures) {
    +            //logDebug("shift+featureIndex =" + (shift+featureIndex))
    +            val isFeatureContinous = 
    +            arr(shift + featureIndex) = findBin(featureIndex, 
    +          }
    +        }
    +      }
    +      arr
    +    }
    +    /**
    +    Performs a sequential aggregation over a partition for classification.
    +    for p bins, k features, l nodes (level = log2(l)) storage is of the 
    +    b111_left_count,b111_right_count, .... , ..
    +    .. bpk1_left_count, bpk1_right_count, .... , ..
    +    .. bpkl_left_count, bpkl_right_count
    +    @param agg Array[Double] storing aggregate calculation of size
    +    2*numSplits*numFeatures*numNodes for classification
    +    @param arr Array[Double] of size 1+(numFeatures*numNodes)
    +    @return Array[Double] storing aggregate calculation of size 
    +    for classification
    +    */
    +    def classificationBinSeqOp(arr: Array[Double], agg: Array[Double]) {
    +      for (node <- 0 until numNodes) {
    +        val validSignalIndex = 1 + numFeatures * node
    +        val isSampleValidForNode = if (arr(validSignalIndex) != -1) true 
else false
    +        if (isSampleValidForNode) {
    +          val label = arr(0)
    +          for (featureIndex <- 0 until numFeatures) {
    +            val arrShift = 1 + numFeatures * node
    +            val aggShift = 2 * numBins * numFeatures * node
    +            val arrIndex = arrShift + featureIndex
    +            val aggIndex = aggShift + 2 * featureIndex * numBins + 
arr(arrIndex).toInt * 2
    +            label match {
    +              case (0.0) => agg(aggIndex) = agg(aggIndex) + 1
    +              case (1.0) => agg(aggIndex + 1) = agg(aggIndex + 1) + 1
    +            }
    +          }
    +        }
    +      }
    +    }
    +    /**
    +    Performs a sequential aggregation over a partition for regression.
    +    for p bins, k features, l nodes (level = log2(l)) storage is of the 
    +    b111_count,b111_sum, b111_sum_squares .... , ..
    +    .. bpk1_count, bpk1_sum, bpk1_sum_squares, .... , ..
    +    .. bpkl_count, bpkl_sum, bpkl_sum_squares
    +    @param agg Array[Double] storing aggregate calculation of size
    +    3*numSplits*numFeatures*numNodes for classification
    +    @param arr Array[Double] of size 1+(numFeatures*numNodes)
    +    @return Array[Double] storing aggregate calculation of size 
    +    for regression
    +    */
    +    def regressionBinSeqOp(arr: Array[Double], agg: Array[Double]) {
    +      for (node <- 0 until numNodes) {
    +        val validSignalIndex = 1 + numFeatures * node
    +        val isSampleValidForNode = if (arr(validSignalIndex) != -1) true 
else false
    +        if (isSampleValidForNode) {
    +          val label = arr(0)
    +          for (feature <- 0 until numFeatures) {
    +            val arrShift = 1 + numFeatures * node
    +            val aggShift = 3 * numBins * numFeatures * node
    +            val arrIndex = arrShift + feature
    +            val aggIndex = aggShift + 3 * feature * numBins + 
arr(arrIndex).toInt * 3
    +            //count, sum, sum^2
    +            agg(aggIndex) = agg(aggIndex) + 1
    +            agg(aggIndex + 1) = agg(aggIndex + 1) + label
    +            agg(aggIndex + 2) = agg(aggIndex + 2) + label*label
    +          }
    +        }
    +      }
    +    }
    +    /**
    +    Performs a sequential aggregation over a partition.
    +    for p bins, k features, l nodes (level = log2(l)) storage is of the 
    +    b111_left_count,b111_right_count, .... , ..
    +    .. bpk1_left_count, bpk1_right_count, .... , ..
    +    .. bpkl_left_count, bpkl_right_count
    +    @param agg Array[Double] storing aggregate calculation of size 
2*numSplits*numFeatures*numNodes for classification
    +                          and 3*numSplits*numFeatures*numNodes for 
    +    @param arr Array[Double] of size 1+(numFeatures*numNodes)
    +    @return Array[Double] storing aggregate calculation of size 
2*numSplits*numFeatures*numNodes for classification
    +                    and 3*numSplits*numFeatures*numNodes for regression
    +    */
    +    def binSeqOp(agg : Array[Double], arr: Array[Double]) : Array[Double] 
= {
    +      strategy.algo match {
    +        case Classification => classificationBinSeqOp(arr, agg)
    +        case Regression => regressionBinSeqOp(arr, agg)
    +      }
    +      agg
    +    }
    +    val binAggregateLength = strategy.algo match {
    +      case Classification => 2*numBins * numFeatures * numNodes
    +      case Regression =>  3*numBins * numFeatures * numNodes
    +    }
    +    logDebug("binAggregateLength = " + binAggregateLength)
    +    /**
    +    Combines the aggregates from partitions
    +    @param agg1 Array containing aggregates from one or more partitions
    +    @param agg2 Array containing aggregates from one or more partitions
    +    @return Combined aggregate from agg1 and agg2
    +     */
    +    def binCombOp(agg1 : Array[Double], agg2: Array[Double]) : 
Array[Double] = {
    +      strategy.algo match {
    +        case Classification => {
    +          val combinedAggregate = new Array[Double](binAggregateLength)
    +          for (index <- 0 until binAggregateLength){
    +            combinedAggregate(index) = agg1(index) + agg2(index)
    +          }
    +          combinedAggregate
    +        }
    +        case Regression => {
    +          val combinedAggregate = new Array[Double](binAggregateLength)
    +          for (index <- 0 until binAggregateLength){
    +            combinedAggregate(index) = agg1(index) + agg2(index)
    +          }
    +          combinedAggregate
    +        }
    +      }
    +    }
    +    logDebug("input = " + input.count)
    +    val binMappedRDD = => findBinsForLevel(x))
    +    logDebug("binMappedRDD.count = " + binMappedRDD.count)
    +    //calculate bin aggregates
    +    val binAggregates = {
    +    }
    +    logDebug("binAggregates.length = " + binAggregates.length)
    +    //binAggregates.foreach(x => logDebug(x))
    +    /**
    +     * Calculates the information gain for all splits
    +     * @param leftNodeAgg left node aggregates
    +     * @param featureIndex feature index
    +     * @param splitIndex split index
    +     * @param rightNodeAgg right node aggregate
    +     * @param topImpurity impurity of the parent node
    +     * @return information gain and statistics for all splits
    +     */
    +    def calculateGainForSplit(leftNodeAgg: Array[Array[Double]],
    +                              featureIndex: Int,
    +                              splitIndex: Int,
    +                              rightNodeAgg: Array[Array[Double]],
    +                              topImpurity: Double) : InformationGainStats 
= {
    +      strategy.algo match {
    +        case Classification => {
    +          val left0Count = leftNodeAgg(featureIndex)(2 * splitIndex)
    +          val left1Count = leftNodeAgg(featureIndex)(2 * splitIndex + 1)
    +          val leftCount = left0Count + left1Count
    +          val right0Count = rightNodeAgg(featureIndex)(2 * splitIndex)
    +          val right1Count = rightNodeAgg(featureIndex)(2 * splitIndex + 1)
    +          val rightCount = right0Count + right1Count
    +          val impurity = {
    +            if (level > 0) {
    +              topImpurity
    +            } else {
    +              strategy.impurity.calculate(left0Count + right0Count, 
left1Count + right1Count)
    +            }
    +          }
    +          if (leftCount == 0) {
    +            return new 
    +          }
    +          if (rightCount == 0) {
    +            return new 
    +          }
    +          val leftImpurity = strategy.impurity.calculate(left0Count, 
    +          val rightImpurity = strategy.impurity.calculate(right0Count, 
    +          val leftWeight = leftCount.toDouble / (leftCount + rightCount)
    +          val rightWeight = rightCount.toDouble / (leftCount + rightCount)
    +          val gain = {
    +            if (level > 0) {
    +              impurity - leftWeight * leftImpurity - rightWeight * 
    +            } else {
    +              impurity - leftWeight * leftImpurity - rightWeight * 
    +            }
    +          }
    +          //val predict = leftCount / (leftCount + rightCount)
    +          val predict = (left1Count + right1Count) / (leftCount + 
    +          new 
    --- End diff --
    put a space between arguments

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