Github user andrewor14 commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ui/env/EnvironmentUI.scala 
    @@ -19,76 +19,74 @@ package org.apache.spark.ui.env
     import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
    -import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
    -import scala.util.Properties
     import scala.xml.Node
     import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler
    -import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
    +import org.apache.spark.scheduler._
    +import org.apache.spark.ui._
     import org.apache.spark.ui.JettyUtils._
     import org.apache.spark.ui.Page.Environment
    -import org.apache.spark.ui.UIUtils
    -private[spark] class EnvironmentUI(sc: SparkContext) {
    +private[ui] class EnvironmentUI(parent: SparkUI) {
    +  private val appName = parent.appName
    +  private val basePath = parent.basePath
    +  private var _listener: Option[EnvironmentListener] = None
    +  lazy val listener = _listener.get
    +  def start() {
    +    _listener = Some(new EnvironmentListener)
    +  }
       def getHandlers = Seq[ServletContextHandler](
    -      createServlet((request: HttpServletRequest) => envDetails(request), 
    +      (request: HttpServletRequest) => render(request), 
parent.securityManager, basePath)
    -  def envDetails(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
    -    val jvmInformation = Seq(
    -      ("Java Version", "%s (%s)".format(Properties.javaVersion, 
    -      ("Java Home", Properties.javaHome),
    -      ("Scala Version", Properties.versionString),
    -      ("Scala Home", Properties.scalaHome)
    -    ).sorted
    -    def jvmRow(kv: (String, String)) = 
    -    def jvmTable =
    -      UIUtils.listingTable(Seq("Name", "Value"), jvmRow, jvmInformation, 
fixedWidth = true)
    -    val sparkProperties = sc.conf.getAll.sorted
    -    val systemProperties = System.getProperties.iterator.toSeq
    -    val classPathProperty = systemProperties.find { case (k, v) =>
    -      k == "java.class.path"
    -    }.getOrElse(("", ""))
    -    val otherProperties = systemProperties.filter { case (k, v) =>
    -      k != "java.class.path" && !k.startsWith("spark.")
    -    }.sorted
    -    val propertyHeaders = Seq("Name", "Value")
    -    def propertyRow(kv: (String, String)) = 
    -    val sparkPropertyTable =
    -      UIUtils.listingTable(propertyHeaders, propertyRow, sparkProperties, 
fixedWidth = true)
    -    val otherPropertyTable =
    -      UIUtils.listingTable(propertyHeaders, propertyRow, otherProperties, 
fixedWidth = true)
    -    val classPathEntries = classPathProperty._2
    -        .split(sc.conf.get("path.separator", ":"))
    -        .filterNot(e => e.isEmpty)
    -        .map(e => (e, "System Classpath"))
    -    val addedJars ={case (path, time) => 
(path, "Added By User")}
    -    val addedFiles ={case (path, time) => 
(path, "Added By User")}
    -    val classPath = (addedJars ++ addedFiles ++ classPathEntries).sorted
    -    val classPathHeaders = Seq("Resource", "Source")
    -    def classPathRow(data: (String, String)) = 
    -    val classPathTable =
    -      UIUtils.listingTable(classPathHeaders, classPathRow, classPath, 
fixedWidth = true)
    --- End diff --
    Moved to SparkEnv.scala

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