Asm is such a mess. And their suggested solution being everyone should
shade it sounds pretty awful to me (not uncommon to have shaded asm 15
times in a single project). But I guess it you are right that shading is
only way to deal with it at this point...
On Mar 11, 2014 5:35 PM, "Kevin Markey" <> wrote:

> Pardon my late entry into the fray, here, but we've just struggled though
> some library conflicts that could have been avoided and whose story shed
> some light on this question.
> We have been integrating Spark with a number of other components. We
> discovered several conflicts, most easily eliminated.  But the ASM
> conflicts were not quite so easy to handle because of ASM's API changes
> between 3.x and 4.x (most usually seen first in ClassVisitor which was an
> interface and now is an abstract class).
> The spark-core_2.10 has a transitive dependency on 4.0.  Hive, Hadoop,
> various Java EE servlets, and other libraries have transitive dependencies
> on 3.2 or earlier.  In one of the applications we are developing, there are
> 10 libraries with ASM dependencies.  Five are well-behaved, having shaded
> ASM.  Another five, are poorly behaved, not shading it.  The ASM FAQ
> specifically recommends shading ASM in any tool or framework which contains
> it:
> ASM has been shaded in the SBT build since June 2013.  However, it was not
> properly shaded in the Maven build until last week.  As result, libraries
> such as spark-core_2.10 pushed to Maven Central haven't reflected the SBT
> build.  This is documented in Jira SPARK-782: https://spark-project.
> We cannot use SBT for our overall project.  Maven is our standard. Hence,
> we are dependent on Maven Central and libraries mirrored by our corporate
> repository.
> In this context, if both builds are maintained, then they need to have the
> same functionality.
> If only one build must be retained, it should be Maven because Maven and
> other tools that use Maven Central are more likely to be used for large
> project integrations.  Also for this reason, the Maven build should be
> given more priority than at present.  It seems a bit odd, if a Maven
> project can be automatically generated from SBT, that it would take 1 year
> for ASM shading in Maven to catch up with SBT.
> Thanks
> Kevin Markey
>  SBT appears to have syntax for both, just like Maven. Surely these
>>> have the same meanings in SBT, and excluding artifacts is accomplished
>>> with exclude and excludeAll, as seen in the Spark build?
>>> The assembly and shader stuff in Maven is more about controlling
>>> exactly how it's put together into an artifact, at the level of files
>>> even, to stick a license file in or exclude some data file cruft or
>>> rename dependencies.
>>> exclusions and shading are necessary evils to be used as sparingly as
>>> possible. Dependency graphs get nuts fast here, and Spark is already
>>> quite big. (Hence my recent PR to start touching it up -- more coming
>>> for sure.)

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