
I really like this idea.  I know having a shepherd would have been really
helpful for a couple of changes.

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 8:18 AM, Andy Konwinski <andykonwin...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I thought this email exchange from the Mesos dev list was worth sharing.
> The Mesos project is trying out a process wherein they assign shepherds
> (who are committers) to significant issues.
> I'm not proposing that this necessarily makes sense for us, but I thought
> it might be worth discussing.
> Andy
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Benjamin Mahler" <benjamin.mah...@gmail.com>
> Date: Mar 24, 2014 11:47 PM
> Subject: Re: Shepherding on ExternalContainerizer
> To: "dev" <d...@mesos.apache.org>
> Cc:
> Hey Till,
> We want to foster a healthy review culture, and so, as you observed, we
> thought we would try out the notion of having a "shepherd" for each review.
> In the past we've had some reviews stagnate because there was no clear
> accountability for getting it committed. Meaning, various committers would
> be included in the 'Reviewers' and each would provide feedback
> independently, but there was no single person accountable for "shepherding"
> the change to a shippable state, and ultimately committing it.
> We've also had issues with having a lot of lower value reviews crowding out
> higher value reviews. Often these lower value reviews are things like
> cleanup, refactoring, etc, which tend to be easier to review. Shepherding
> doesn't address this as directly, but it is also an effort to ensure we
> balance low value changes (technical debt, refactoring, cleanup, etc) with
> higher value changes (features, bug fixes, etc) via shepherd assignment.
> This is why we've been trying out the "shepherd" concept.
> Related to this (and *not* related to your changes Till :)), I would
> encourage two behaviors from "reviewees" to ameliorate the situation:
> 1. Please be cognizant of the fact that reviewing tends to be a bottleneck
> and that reviewer time is currently at a premium. This means, please be
> very thorough in your work and also look over your patches before sending
> them out. This saves your time (faster reviews) and reviewers' time (fewer
> comments needed). Feel free to reach out for feedback before sending out
> reviews as well (if feasible).
> 2. Also, be cognizant of the fact that we need to balance low and high
> priority reviews. Sometimes we don't have time to review low value cleanup
> work when there are a lot of things in flight. For example, I have a bunch
> of old cleanup patches from when we need to get more important things
> committed, and I know Vinod has old cleanup patches like this as well.
> This all being said, the external containerizer is high value and should
> definitely be getting reviews. I will take some time to go over your
> changes later this week with Ian, when I'll be free from a deadline ;). We
> can help "pair shepherd" your changes.
> Ben
> On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 4:32 PM, Till Toenshoff <toensh...@me.com> wrote:
> > Dear Devs/Committers,
> >
> > after having developed the ExternalContainerizer, I am now obviously
> eager
> > to get it committed. After receiving and addressing a couple of comments
> > (thanks @all who commented - that helped a lot), I now am once again in a
> > stage of waiting and keeping fingers crossed that my patch won't need
> > rebasing before someone has a thorough look at it. I do appreciate and
> > fully understand the fact that you committers are under heavy load.
> >
> > By experience and seeing some RR comments, I learned that there appears
> to
> > be a new entity in our review process; a "shepherd". Sounds like a great
> > idea, even though I am not entirely sure what that means in detail for
> > Mesos. I guess that is something that makes sure that final commit
> > decisions  are done by a single voice, preventing contradicting comments
> > etc... Knowing that other projects actually demand the patch-submitter to
> ask
> > for shepherding, I figured why not doing the same.
> >
> > For that ExternalContainerizer baby, I would kindly like to call out for
> a
> > shepherd. Guessing that a shepherd needs to be a committer but also
> knowing
> > that Ian is very deeply involved within containerizing, I would like to
> > "nominate" Niklas as a committer in collaboration with Ian. Hope that
> makes
> > sense and don't hesitate to tell me that this was not the right way to
> > achieve shepherding.
> >
> > cheers!
> > Till
> >
> >

Evan Chan
Staff Engineer
e...@ooyala.com  |


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