
You can do calculations in string interpolation:
s"Time: ${timeMillis / 1000}s"

Or use format strings.
f"Float with two decimal places: $floatValue%.2f"

More info:

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 5:46 PM, Michael Armbrust <>wrote:

> Hi Marcelo,
> Thanks for bringing this up here, as this has been a topic of debate
> recently.  Some thoughts below.
> ... all of the suffer from the fact that the log message needs to be built
>> even
>> though it might not be used.
> This is not true of the current implementation (and this is actually why
> Spark has a logging trait instead of just using a logger directly.)
> If you look at the original function signatures:
> protected def logDebug(msg: => String) ...
> The => implies that we are passing the msg by name instead of by value.
> Under the covers, scala is creating a closure that can be used to calculate
> the log message, only if its actually required.  This does result is a
> significant performance improvement, but still requires allocating an
> object for the closure.  The bytecode is really something like this:
> val logMessage = new Function0() { def call() =  "Log message" + 
> someExpensiveComputation() }
> log.debug(logMessage)
> In Catalyst and Spark SQL we are using the scala-logging package, which
> uses macros to automatically rewrite all of your log statements.
> You write: logger.debug(s"Log message $someExpensiveComputation")
> You get:
> if(logger.debugEnabled) {
>   val logMsg = "Log message" + someExpensiveComputation()
>   logger.debug(logMsg)
> }
> IMHO, this is the cleanest option (and is supported by Typesafe).  Based
> on a micro-benchmark, it is also the fastest:
> std logging: 19885.48ms
> spark logging 914.408ms
> scala logging 729.779ms
> Once the dust settles from the 1.0 release, I'd be in favor of
> standardizing on scala-logging.
> Michael

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