I haven't seen issues using the JVM's own tools (jstack, jmap, hprof and such), so maybe there's a problem in YourKit or in your release of the JVM. Otherwise I'd suggest increasing the heap size of the unit tests a bit (you can do this in the SBT build file). Maybe they are very close to full and profiling pushes them over the edge.
Matei On Jul 14, 2014, at 9:51 AM, Will Benton <wi...@redhat.com> wrote: > Hi all, > > I've been evaluating YourKit and would like to profile the heap and CPU usage > of certain tests from the Spark test suite. In particular, I'm very > interested in tracking heap usage by allocation site. Unfortunately, I get a > lot of crashes running Spark tests with profiling (and thus allocation-site > tracking) enabled in YourKit; just using the sampler works fine, but it > appears that enabling the profiler breaks Utils.getCallSite. > > Is there a way to make this combination work? If not, what are people using > to understand the memory and CPU behavior of Spark and Spark apps? > > > thanks, > wb