I'm looking forward to this. :)

Looks like Jenkins is having trouble triggering builds for new commits or
after user requests (e.g.
Hopefully that will be resolved tomorrow.


On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 5:00 PM, shane knapp <skn...@berkeley.edu> wrote:

> since the power incident last thursday, the github pull request builder
> plugin is still not really working 100%.  i found an open issue
> w/jenkins[1] that could definitely be affecting us, i will be pausing
> builds early thursday morning and then restarting jenkins.
> i'll send out a reminder tomorrow, and if this causes any problems for you,
> please let me know and we can work out a better time.
> but, now for some good news!  yesterday morning, we racked and stacked the
> systems for the new jenkins instance in the berkeley datacenter.  tomorrow
> i should be able to log in to them and start getting them set up and
> configured.  this is a major step in getting us in to a much more
> 'production' style environment!
> anyways:  thanks for your patience, and i think we've all learned that hard
> powering down your build system is a definite recipe for disaster.  :)
> shane
> [1] -- https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-22509

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