Hi, If I take the Movielens data and run the default ALS with regularization as 0.0, I am hitting exception from LAPACK that the gram matrix is not positive definite. This is on the master branch.
This is how I run it : ./bin/spark-submit --total-executor-cores 1 --master spark:// tusca09lmlvt00c.uswin.ad.vzwcorp.com:7077 --jars /Users/v606014/.m2/repository/com/github/scopt/scopt_2.10/3.2.0/scopt_2.10-3.2.0.jar --class org.apache.spark.examples.mllib.MovieLensALS ./examples/target/spark-examples_2.10-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --rank 20 --numIterations 20 --lambda 0.0 --kryo hdfs://localhost:8020/sandbox/movielens/ Error from LAPACK: WARN TaskSetManager: Lost task 0.0 in stage 11.0 (TID 22, tusca09lmlvt00c.uswin.ad.vzwcorp.com): org.jblas.exceptions.LapackArgumentException: LAPACK DPOSV: Leading minor of order i of A is not positive definite. >From the maths it's not expected right ? ||r - wi'hj||^{2} has to be positive definite... I think the tests are not running any 0.0 regularization tests otherwise we should have caught it as well... For the sparse coding NMF variant that I am running, I have to turn off L2 regularization when I run a L1 on products to extract sparse topics... Thanks. Deb