Thanks for the pointer. This will be fixed in this PR

On Thu Dec 25 2014 at 10:35:20 AM Naveen Madhire <>

> Thanks. I will work on this today and try to setup.
> The bad link is present in the below github REAMME file,
> Search with "Build Spark with Maven"
> On Thu, Dec 25, 2014 at 1:49 AM, Nicholas Chammas <
>> wrote:
>> The correct docs link is:
>> Where did you get that bad link from?
>> Nick
>> On Thu Dec 25 2014 at 12:00:53 AM Naveen Madhire <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I am starting to use Spark. I am having trouble getting the latest code
>>> from git.
>>> I am using Intellij as suggested in the below link,
>>> ContributingtoSpark-StarterTasks
>>> The below link isn't working as well,
>>> Does anyone know any useful links to get spark running on local laptop
>>> Please help.
>>> Thanks

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