Here's what the console shows:

15/01/01 01:12:29 INFO scheduler.TaskSchedulerImpl: Removed TaskSet 58.0,
whose tasks have all completed, from pool
15/01/01 01:12:29 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Stage 58 (runJob at
ParquetTableOperations.scala:326) finished in 5493.549 s
15/01/01 01:12:29 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Job 41 finished: runJob at
ParquetTableOperations.scala:326, took 5493.747061 s

It is now 01:40:03, so the driver has been hanging for the last 28 minutes.
The web UI on the other hand shows that all tasks completed successfully,
and the output directory has been populated--although the _SUCCESS file is

It is worth noting that my code started this job as its own thread. The
actual code looks like the following snippet, modulo some simplifications.

  def save_to_parquet(allowExisting : Boolean = false) = {
    val threads = => {
      val thread = new Thread {
        override def run {

As far as I can see the insertInto call never returns. Any idea why?


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