I'd be surprised of BIDMat+OpenBLAS was significantly faster than
netlib-java+OpenBLAS, but if it is much faster it's probably due to data
layout and fewer levels of indirection - it's definitely a worthwhile
experiment to run. The main speedups I've seen from using it come from
highly optimized GPU code for linear algebra. I know that in the past Canny
has gone as far as to write custom GPU kernels for performance-critical
regions of code.[1]

BIDMach is highly optimized for single node performance or performance on
small clusters.[2] Once data doesn't fit easily in GPU memory (or can be
batched in that way) the performance tends to fall off. Canny argues for
hardware/software codesign and as such prefers machine configurations that
are quite different than what we find in most commodity cluster nodes -
e.g. 10 disk cahnnels and 4 GPUs.

In contrast, MLlib was designed for horizontal scalability on commodity
clusters and works best on very big datasets - order of terabytes.

For the most part, these projects developed concurrently to address
slightly different use cases. That said, there may be bits of BIDMach we
could repurpose for MLlib - keep in mind we need to be careful about
maintaining cross-language compatibility for our Java and Python-users,

- Evan

[1] - http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.5402
[2] - http://eecs.berkeley.edu/~hzhao/papers/BD.pdf

On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 1:00 PM, Ulanov, Alexander <alexander.ula...@hp.com>

>  Hi Evan,
> Thank you for suggestion! BIDMat seems to have terrific speed. Do you know
> what makes them faster than netlib-java?
> The same group has BIDMach library that implements machine learning. For
> some examples they use Caffe convolutional neural network library owned by
> another group in Berkeley. Could you elaborate on how these all might be
> connected with Spark Mllib? If you take BIDMat for linear algebra why don’t
> you take BIDMach for optimization and learning?
> Best regards, Alexander
> *From:* Evan R. Sparks [mailto:evan.spa...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 05, 2015 12:09 PM
> *To:* Ulanov, Alexander
> *Cc:* dev@spark.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: Using CUDA within Spark / boosting linear algebra
> I'd expect that we can make GPU-accelerated BLAS faster than CPU blas in
> many cases.
> You might consider taking a look at the codepaths that BIDMat (
> https://github.com/BIDData/BIDMat) takes and comparing them to
> netlib-java/breeze. John Canny et. al. have done a bunch of work optimizing
> to make this work really fast from Scala. I've run it on my laptop and
> compared to MKL and in certain cases it's 10x faster at matrix multiply.
> There are a lot of layers of indirection here and you really want to avoid
> data copying as much as possible.
> We could also consider swapping out BIDMat for Breeze, but that would be a
> big project and if we can figure out how to get breeze+cublas to comparable
> performance that would be a big win.
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 11:55 AM, Ulanov, Alexander <
> alexander.ula...@hp.com> wrote:
> Dear Spark developers,
> I am exploring how to make linear algebra operations faster within Spark.
> One way of doing this is to use Scala Breeze library that is bundled with
> Spark. For matrix operations, it employs Netlib-java that has a Java
> wrapper for BLAS (basic linear algebra subprograms) and LAPACK native
> binaries if they are available on the worker node. It also has its own
> optimized Java implementation of BLAS. It is worth mentioning, that native
> binaries provide better performance only for BLAS level 3, i.e.
> matrix-matrix operations or general matrix multiplication (GEMM). This is
> confirmed by GEMM test on Netlib-java page
> https://github.com/fommil/netlib-java. I also confirmed it with my
> experiments with training of artificial neural network
> https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/1290#issuecomment-70313952. However,
> I would like to boost performance more.
> GPU is supposed to work fast with linear algebra and there is Nvidia CUDA
> implementation of BLAS, called cublas. I have one Linux server with Nvidia
> GPU and I was able to do the following. I linked cublas (instead of
> cpu-based blas) with Netlib-java wrapper and put it into Spark, so
> Breeze/Netlib is using it. Then I did some performance measurements with
> regards to artificial neural network batch learning in Spark MLlib that
> involves matrix-matrix multiplications. It turns out that for matrices of
> size less than ~1000x780 GPU cublas has the same speed as CPU blas. Cublas
> becomes slower for bigger matrices. It worth mentioning that it is was not
> a test for ONLY multiplication since there are other operations involved.
> One of the reasons for slowdown might be the overhead of copying the
> matrices from computer memory to graphic card memory and back.
> So, few questions:
> 1) Do these results with CUDA make sense?
> 2) If the problem is with copy overhead, are there any libraries that
> allow to force intermediate results to stay in graphic card memory thus
> removing the overhead?
> 3) Any other options to speed-up linear algebra in Spark?
> Thank you, Alexander
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