Thank you!


Inviata dal mio Windows Phone
Da: Patrick Wendell<>
Inviato: ‎10/‎02/‎2015 08:59
A: Paolo Platter<>
Cc: Denny Lee<>; Matei 
Oggetto: Re: Powered by Spark: Concur

Thanks Paolo - I've fixed it.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 11:10 PM, Paolo Platter
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I checked the powered by wiki too and Agile Labs should be Agile Lab. The 
> link is wrong too, it should be<>.
> The description is correct.
> Thanks a lot
> Paolo
> Inviata dal mio Windows Phone
> ________________________________
> Da: Denny Lee<>
> Inviato: 10/02/2015 07:41
> A: Matei Zaharia<>
> Cc:<>
> Oggetto: Re: Powered by Spark: Concur
> Thanks Matei - much appreciated!
> On Mon Feb 09 2015 at 10:23:57 PM Matei Zaharia <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks Denny; added you.
>> Matei
>> > On Feb 9, 2015, at 10:11 PM, Denny Lee <> wrote:
>> >
>> > Forgot to add Concur to the "Powered by Spark" wiki:
>> >
>> > Concur
>> >
>> > Spark SQL, MLLib
>> > Using Spark for travel and expenses analytics and personalization
>> >
>> > Thanks!
>> > Denny

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