Try below and see if it makes a difference:

val result = sqlContext.sql(“select big.f1, big.f2 from small inner join
big on big.s=small.s and big.d=small.d”)

On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 11:35 AM, Ulanov, Alexander <
> wrote:

>  Hi,
> I try to inner join of two tables on two fields(string and double). One
> table is 2B rows, the second is 500K. They are stored in HDFS in Parquet.
> Spark v 1.4.
> val big = sqlContext.paquetFile(“hdfs://big”)
> data.registerTempTable(“big”)
> val small = sqlContext.paquetFile(“hdfs://small”)
> data.registerTempTable(“small”)
> val result = sqlContext.sql(“select big.f1, big.f2 from big inner join
> small on big.s=small.s and big.d=small.d”)
> This query fails in the middle due to one of the workers “disk out of
> space” with shuffle reported 1.8TB which is the maximum size of my spark
> working dirs (on total 7 worker nodes). This is surprising, because the
> “big” table takes 2TB disk space (unreplicated) and “small” about 5GB and I
> would expect that optimizer will shuffle the small table. How to force
> Spark to shuffle the small table? I tried to write “small inner join big”
> however it also fails with 1.8TB of shuffle.
> Best regards, Alexander

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