Thanks for bringing this up!  I talked with Michael Armbrust, and it sounds
like this is a from a bug in DataFrame caching:
It's marked as a blocker for 1.5.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 2:36 AM, Justin Uang <> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I'm running into some pretty bad performance issues when it comes to using
> a CrossValidator, because of caching behavior of DataFrames.
> The root of the problem is that while I have cached my DataFrame
> representing the features and labels, it is caching at the DataFrame level,
> while CrossValidator/LogisticRegression both drop down to the dataset.rdd
> level, which ignores the caching that I have previously done. This is
> worsened by the fact that for each combination of a fold and a param set
> from the grid, it recomputes my entire input dataset because the caching
> was lost.
> My current solution is to force the input DataFrame to be based off of a
> cached RDD, which I did with this horrible hack (had to drop down to java
> from the pyspark because of something to do with vectors not be inferred
> correctly):
> def checkpoint_dataframe_caching(df):
>     return
> DataFrame(sqlContext._ssql_ctx.createDataFrame(df._jdf.rdd().cache(),
> train_data._jdf.schema()), sqlContext)
> before I pass it into the If I do this, I still have
> to cache the underlying rdd once more than necessary (in addition to
> DataFrame#cache()), but at least in cross validation, it doesn't recompute
> the RDD graph anymore.
> Note, that input_df.rdd.cache() doesn't work because the python
> CrossValidator implementation applies some more dataframe transformations
> like filter, which then causes filtered_df.rdd to return a completely
> different rdd that recomputes the entire graph.
> Is it the intention of Spark SQL that calling DataFrame#rdd removes any
> caching that was done for the query? Is the fix as simple as getting the
> DataFrame#rdd to reference the cached query, or is there something more
> subtle going on.
> Best,
> Justin

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