That test explicitly sets the number of executor cores to 32.

object TestHive
  extends TestHiveContext(
    new SparkContext(
      System.getProperty("spark.sql.test.master", "local[32]"),

On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 11:22 PM, Reynold Xin <> wrote:
> Yea I think this is where the heuristics is failing -- it uses 8 cores to
> approximate the number of active tasks, but the tests somehow is using 32
> (maybe because it explicitly sets it to that, or you set it yourself? I'm
> not sure which one)
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 11:06 PM, Pete Robbins <> wrote:
>> Reynold, thanks for replying.
>> getPageSize parameters: maxMemory=515396075, numCores=0
>> Calculated values: cores=8, default=4194304
>> So am I getting a large page size as I only have 8 cores?
>> On 15 September 2015 at 00:40, Reynold Xin <> wrote:
>>> Pete - can you do me a favor?
>>> Print the parameters that are passed into the getPageSize function, and
>>> check their values.
>>> On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 4:32 PM, Reynold Xin <> wrote:
>>>> Is this on latest master / branch-1.5?
>>>> out of the box we reserve only 16% (0.2 * 0.8) of the memory for
>>>> execution (e.g. aggregate, join) / shuffle sorting. With a 3GB heap, that's
>>>> 480MB. So each task gets 480MB / 32 = 15MB, and each operator reserves at
>>>> least one page for execution. If your page size is 4MB, it only takes 3
>>>> operators to use up its memory.
>>>> The thing is page size is dynamically determined -- and in your case it
>>>> should be smaller than 4MB.
>>>> Maybe there is a place that in the maven tests that we explicitly set
>>>> the page size (spark.buffer.pageSize) to 4MB? If yes, we need to find it 
>>>> and
>>>> just remove it.
>>>> On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 4:16 AM, Pete Robbins <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I keep hitting errors running the tests on 1.5 such as
>>>>> - join31 *** FAILED ***
>>>>>   Failed to execute query using catalyst:
>>>>>   Error: Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 9 in stage 3653.0
>>>>> failed 1 times, most recent failure: Lost task 9.0 in stage 3653.0 (TID
>>>>> 123363, localhost): Unable to acquire 4194304 bytes 
>>>>> of
>>>>> memory
>>>>>       at
>>>>> org.apache.spark.util.collection.unsafe.sort.UnsafeExternalSorter.acquireNewPage(
>>>>> This is using the command
>>>>> build/mvn -Pyarn -Phadoop-2.2 -Phive -Phive-thriftserver  test
>>>>> I don't see these errors in any of the amplab jenkins builds. Do those
>>>>> builds have any configuration/environment that I may be missing? My build 
>>>>> is
>>>>> running with whatever defaults are in the top level pom.xml, eg -Xmx3G.
>>>>> I can make these tests pass by setting spark.shuffle.memoryFraction=0.6
>>>>> in the HiveCompatibilitySuite rather than the default 0.2 value.
>>>>> Trying to analyze what is going on with the test it is related to the
>>>>> number of active tasks, which seems to rise to 32, and so the
>>>>> ShuffleMemoryManager allows less memory per task even though most of those
>>>>> tasks do not have any memory allocated to them.
>>>>> Has anyone seen issues like this before?


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