Hi, Arijit,

The code flow of spark-submit is simple.

Enter the main function of SparkSubmit.scala
    --> case SparkSubmitAction.SUBMIT => submit(appArgs)
    --> doRunMain() in function submit() in the same file
    --> runMain(childArgs,...) in the same file
    --> mainMethod.invoke(null, childArgs.toArray)  in the same file

Function Invoke() is provided by JAVA Reflection for invoking the main
function of your JAR.

Hopefully, it can help you understand the problem.


Xiao Li

2015-10-07 16:47 GMT-07:00 Arijit <arij...@live.com>:

>  Hi,
> I want to understand the code flow starting from the Spark jar that I
> submit through spark-submit, how does Spark identify and extract the
> closures, clean and serialize them and ship them to workers to execute as
> tasks. Can someone point me to any documentation or a pointer to the source
> code path to help me understand this.
> Thanks, Arijit

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