Some friends refer me this thread about OLAP/Kylin and Spark...

Here's my 2 cents..

If you are trying to setup OLAP, Apache Kylin should be one good idea for
you to evaluate.

The project has developed more than 2 years and going to graduate to Apache
Top Level Project [1].
There are many deployments on production already include eBay, Exponential,, and others, refer to powered by page [2].

Apache Kylin's spark engine also on the way, there's discussion about
turning the performance [3].

There are variety clients are available to interactive with Kylin with ANSI
SQL, including Tableau, Zeppelin, Pentaho/mondrian, Saiku/mondrian, and the
Excel/PowerBI support will roll out this week.

Apache Kylin is young but mature with huge case validation (one biggest
cube in eBay contains 85+B rows, 90%ile production platform's query latency
in few seconds).

StreamingOLAP is coming in Kylin v2.0 with plug-able architecture, there's
already one real case on production inside eBay, please refer to our design
deck [4]

We are really welcome everyone to join and contribute to Kylin as OLAP
engine for Big Data:-)

Please feel free to contact our community or me for any question.



Best Regards!

Luke Han

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 2:56 AM, tsh <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm in the same position right now: we are going to implement something
> like OLAP BI + Machine Learning explorations on the same cluster.
> Well, the question is quite ambivalent: from one hand, we have terabytes
> of versatile data and the necessity to make something like cubes (Hive and
> Hive on HBase are unsatisfactory). From the other, our users get accustomed
> to Tableau + Vertica.
> So, right now I consider the following choices:
> 1) Platfora (not free, I don't know price right now) + Spark
> 2) AtScale + Tableau(not free, I don't know price right now) + Spark
> 3) Apache Kylin (young project?) + Spark on YARN + Kafka + Flume + some
> storage
> 4) Apache Phoenix + Apache HBase + Mondrian + Spark on YARN + Kafka +
> Flume (has somebody use it in production?)
> 5) Spark + Tableau  (cubes?)
> For myself, I decided not to dive into Mesos. Cassandra is hardly
> configurable, you'll have to dedicate special employee to support it.
> I'll be glad to hear other ideas & propositions as we are at the beginning
> of the process too.
> Sincerely yours, Tim Shenkao
> On 11/09/2015 09:46 AM, wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for suggesting. Actually we are now evaluating and stressing the
> spark sql on cassandra, while
> trying to define business models. FWIW, the solution mentioned here is
> different from traditional OLAP
> cube engine, right ? So we are hesitating on the common sense or direction
> choice of olap architecture.
> And we are happy to hear more use case from this community.
> Best,
> Sun.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Jörn Franke <>
> *Date:* 2015-11-09 14:40
> *To:*
> *CC:* user <>; dev <>
> *Subject:* Re: OLAP query using spark dataframe with cassandra
> Is there any distributor supporting these software components in
> combination? If no and your core business is not software then you may want
> to look for something else, because it might not make sense to build up
> internal know-how in all of these areas.
> In any case - it depends all highly on your data and queries. You will
> have to do your own experiments.
> On 09 Nov 2015, at 07:02, "" <> wrote:
> Hi, community
> We are specially interested about this featural integration according to
> some slides from [1]. The SMACK(Spark+Mesos+Akka+Cassandra+Kafka)
> seems good implementation for lambda architecure in the open-source world,
> especially non-hadoop based cluster environment. As we can see,
> the advantages obviously consist of :
> 1 the feasibility and scalability of spark datafram api, which can also
> make a perfect complement for Apache Cassandra native cql feature.
> 2 both streaming and batch process availability using the ALL-STACK thing,
> cool.
> 3 we can both achieve compacity and usability for spark with cassandra,
> including seemlessly integrating with job scheduling and resource
> management.
> Only one concern goes to the OLAP query performance issue, which mainly
> caused by frequent aggregation work between daily increased large tables,
> for
> both spark sql and cassandra. I can see that the [1] use case facilitates
> FiloDB to achieve columnar storage and query performance, but we had
> nothing more
> knowledge.
> Question is : Any guy had such use case for now, especially using in your
> production environment ? Would be interested in your architeture for
> designing this
> OLAP engine using spark +  cassandra. What do you think the comparison
> between the scenario with traditional OLAP cube design? Like Apache Kylin
> or
> pentaho mondrian ?
> Best Regards,
> Sun.
> [1]
> <>
> ------------------------------

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