Thanks for bringing this up Sean. I think we are all happy to adopt
concrete suggestions to make the release process more transparent,
including pinging the list before kicking off the release build.

Technically there's still a Blocker bug:

Sorry, I misprioritized this particular issue when I thought that it was
going to block the release by causing the doc build to fail. When I
realized the failure was non-deterministic and isolated to OSX (i.e. the
official release build on jenkins is not affected) I failed to update the
issue.  It doesn't show up on the dashboard that I've been using to track
the release
its labeled documentation.

> The 'race' doesn't matter that much, but release planning remains the
> real bug-bear here. There are still, for instance, 52 issues targeted
> at 1.6.0, 42 of which were raised and targeted by committers. For
> example, I count 6 'umbrella' JIRAs in ML alone that are still open.

This can be debated, but I explicitly ignored test and documentation
issues.  Since the docs are published separately and easy to update, I
don't think its worth further disturbing the release cadence for these

> The release is theoretically several weeks behind plan on what's
> intended to be a fixed release cycle too. This is why I'm not sure why
> today it's suddenly potentially ready for release.

Up until today various committers have told me that there were known issues
with branch-1.6 that would cause them to -1 the release.  Whenever this
happened, I asked them to ensure there was a properly targeted blocker JIRA
open so people could publicly track the status of the release.  As long as
such issues were open, I only published a preview since making an RC is
pretty high cost.

I'm sorry that it felt sudden to you, but as of last night all such known
issues were resolved and thus I cut a release as soon as this was the case.

I'm just curious, am I the only one that thinks this isn't roughly
> normal, or do other people manage releases this way? I know the real
> world is messy and this is better than in the past, but I still get
> surprised by how each 1.x release actually comes about.

I actually did spent quite a bit of time asking people to close various
umbrella issues, and I was pretty strict about watching JIRA throughout the
process.  Perhaps as an additional step, future preview releases or branch
cuts can include a link to an authoritative dashboard that we will use to
decide when we are ready to make an RC.  I'm also open to other suggestions.


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