When we first introduced Dataset in 1.6 as an experimental API, we wanted
to merge Dataset/DataFrame but couldn't because we didn't want to break the
pre-existing DataFrame API (e.g. map function should return Dataset, rather
than RDD). In Spark 2.0, one of the main API changes is to merge DataFrame
and Dataset.

Conceptually, DataFrame is just a Dataset[Row]. In practice, there are two
ways to implement this:

Option 1. Make DataFrame a type alias for Dataset[Row]

Option 2. DataFrame as a concrete class that extends Dataset[Row]

I'm wondering what you think about this. The pros and cons I can think of

Option 1. Make DataFrame a type alias for Dataset[Row]

+ Cleaner conceptually, especially in Scala. It will be very clear what
libraries or applications need to do, and we won't see type mismatches
(e.g. a function expects DataFrame, but user is passing in Dataset[Row]
+ A lot less code
- Breaks source compatibility for the DataFrame API in Java, and binary
compatibility for Scala/Java

Option 2. DataFrame as a concrete class that extends Dataset[Row]

The pros/cons are basically the inverse of Option 1.

+ In most cases, can maintain source compatibility for the DataFrame API in
Java, and binary compatibility for Scala/Java
- A lot more code (1000+ loc)
- Less cleaner, and can be confusing when users pass in a Dataset[Row] into
a function that expects a DataFrame

The concerns are mostly with Scala/Java. For Python, it is very easy to
maintain source compatibility for both (there is no concept of binary
compatibility), and for R, we are only supporting the DataFrame operations
anyway because that's more familiar interface for R users outside of Spark.

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