Corrected typo in subject.

I want to note that the hbase-spark module in HBase is incomplete. Zhan has
several patches pending review.

hbase-spark module is currently only in master branch which would be
released as 2.0
However the release date for 2.0 is unclear - probably half a year from now.

If we remove the examples now, there would be no release from either
project which can show users how to access hbase.

On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 10:15 AM, Marcelo Vanzin <>

> Hey all,
> Two reasons why I think we should remove that from the examples:
> - HBase now has Spark integration in its own repo, so that really
> should be the template for how to use HBase from Spark, making that
> example less useful, even misleading.
> - It brings up a lot of extra dependencies that make the size of the
> Spark distribution grow.
> Any reason why we shouldn't drop that example?
> --
> Marcelo
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