Dear Spark developers,

Recently, I was trying to switch my code from RDDs to DataFrames in order to 
compare the performance. The code computes RDD in a loop. I use RDD.persist 
followed by RDD.count to force Spark compute the RDD and cache it, so that it 
does not need to re-compute it on each iteration. However, it does not seem to 
work for DataFrame:

import scala.util.Random
val rdd = sc.parallelize(1 to 10, 2).map(x => (Random(5), Random(5))
val edges = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd).toDF("from", "to")
val vertices ="from").unionAll("to")).distinct().cache()
[Stage 34:=================>                                     (65 + 4) / 200]
[Stage 34:========================>                              (90 + 5) / 200]
[Stage 34:==============================>                       (114 + 4) / 200]
[Stage 34:====================================>                 (137 + 4) / 200]
[Stage 34:==========================================>           (157 + 4) / 200]
[Stage 34:=================================================>    (182 + 4) / 200]

res25: Long = 5
If I run count again, it recomputes it again instead of using the cached result:
scala> vertices.count
[Stage 37:=============>                                         (49 + 4) / 200]
[Stage 37:==================>                                    (66 + 4) / 200]
[Stage 37:========================>                              (90 + 4) / 200]
[Stage 37:=============================>                        (110 + 4) / 200]
[Stage 37:===================================>                  (133 + 4) / 200]
[Stage 37:==========================================>           (157 + 4) / 200]
[Stage 37:================================================>     (178 + 5) / 200]
res26: Long = 5

Could you suggest how to schrink the DataFrame lineage ?

Best regards, Alexander

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