In May due to the SPARK-15095 binary mode was "removed" (code is there, but
you can not turn it on) from Spark-2.0. In 1.6.1 binary was default and in
2.0.0-preview it was removed. It's really annoying:

   - I can not use Tableau+Spark anymore
   - I need to change connection URL in SQL client for every analyst in my
   organization. And with Squirrel I experiencing problems with that.
   - We have parts of infrastructure, which connected to data
   infrastructure though ThriftServer. And of course format was binary.

I've created a ticket to get binary back(, but that's not the
point. I've experienced this problem a month ago, but haven't done anything
about it, because I believed, that I'm stupid and doing something wrong.
But documentation was release recently and it contained no information
about this new thing and it made me digging.

Most of what I describe is just annoying, but Tableau+Spark new
incompatibility I believe is big deal. Maybe I'm wrong and there are ways
to make things work, it's just I wouldn't expect move to 2.0.0 to be so
time consuming.

My point: Do we have any guidelines regarding doing such radical things?


*Sincerely yoursEgor Pakhomov*

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