In scala, "==" and "!=" are not operators but methods which are defined here
<> as :

The expression x == that is equivalent to if (x eq null) that eq null else
The expression x != that is equivalent to true if !(this == that)

So its recommended that you override equals method but check for equality
using == and !=.

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 2:03 PM, Michael Armbrust <>

> This is because two objects are compared by "o1 != o2" instead of
>> "o1.equals(o2)" at
> Even equals(...) does not do what you want on the JVM:
> scala> Array(1,2).equals(Array(1,2))
> res1: Boolean = false
>> (2) If (1) is expected, where is this behavior is described or defined? I
>> cannot find the description in the API document.
> Pull requests for documentation welcome!
>> (3) If (3) is expected, is there any recommendation to write code of
>> equality of two Rows that have an Array or complex types (e.g. Map)?
> Internally for tests, we usually compare the string representation of the
> Row.

-Dhruve Ashar

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