Are you using KafkaUtils.createDirectStream?

On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 9:42 AM, Soumitra Johri
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running a steaming job with 4 executors and 16 cores so that each
> executor has two cores to work with. The input Kafka topic has 4 partitions.
> With this given configuration I was expecting MapWithStateRDD to be evenly
> distributed across all executors, how ever I see that it uses only two
> executors on which MapWithStateRDD data is distributed. Sometimes the data
> goes only to one executor.
> How can this be explained and pretty sure there would be some math to
> understand this behavior.
> I am using the standard standalone 1.6.2 cluster.
> Thanks
> Soumitra

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