On 24 Aug 2016, at 07:10, Nishadi Kirielle 
<ndime...@gmail.com<mailto:ndime...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I'm engaged in learning how query execution flow occurs in Spark SQL. In order 
to understand the query execution flow, I'm attempting to run an example in 
debug mode with intellij IDEA. It would be great if anyone can help me with 
debug configurations.

I'd recommend

-check out the version of spark you want to use
-set breakpoints wherever you want
-use dev/make-distribution.sh to build the release in dist/
-stark spark standalone from there
-attach to it in the IDE debugger

submit the work/type in queries in the REPL

this gives you the full launch with the complete classpath and env setup.

Otherwise: pull it out into a junit test and try to use IDEAs test runner to 
run it.

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