1) You should read through this page:
I (Mesos person) can't answer any questions that aren't already answered on
that page :)

2) Your normal spark commands (whatever they are) should still work
regardless of the backend.

On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 2:58 AM, Yu Wei <yu20...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> Two questions about running spark on mesos.
> 1, Does spark configuration of conf/slaves still work when running spark
> on mesos?
>     According to my observations, it seemed that conf/slaves still took
> effect when running spark-shell.
>     However, it doesn't take effect when deploying in cluster mode.
>     Is this expected behavior?
>    Or did I miss anything?
> 2, Could I kill submitted jobs when running spark on mesos in cluster mode?
>     I launched spark on mesos in cluster mode. Then submitted a long
> running job succeeded.
>     Then I want to kill the job.
>     How could I do that? Is there any similar commands as launching spark
> on yarn?
> Thanks,
> Jared, (??)
> Software developer
> Interested in open source software, big data, Linux

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