It looks like you're having issues with including your custom spark
version (with the extensions) in your test project. To use your local
spark version:
1) make sure it has a custom version (let's call it 2.1.0-CUSTOM)
2) publish it to your local machine with `sbt publishLocal`
3) include the modified version of spark in your test project with
`libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" %

However, as others have said, it can be quite a lot of work to
maintain a custom fork of spark. If you're planning on contributing
these changes back to spark, than forking is the way to go (although I
would recommend to keep an ongoing discussion with the maintainers, to
make sure your work will be merged back). Otherwise, I would recommend
to use "implicit extensions" to enrich your rdds instead. An easy
workaround to access spark-private fields is to simply define your
custom rdds in an "org.apache.spark" package as well ;)

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