Hey, Prashant. Could you track the GC root of byte arrays in the heap?

On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 10:04 PM, Prashant Sharma <scrapco...@gmail.com>

> Furthermore, I ran the same thing with 26 GB as the memory, which would
> mean 1.3GB per thread of memory. My jmap
> <https://github.com/ScrapCodes/KafkaProducer/blob/master/data/26GB/t11_jmap-histo>
> results and jstat
> <https://github.com/ScrapCodes/KafkaProducer/blob/master/data/26GB/t11_jstat>
> results collected after running the job for more than 11h, again show a
> memory constraint. The same gradual slowdown, but a bit more gradual as
> memory is considerably more than the previous runs.
> This situation sounds like a memory leak ? As the byte array objects are
> more than 13GB, and are not garbage collected.
> --Prashant
> On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 8:49 AM, Prashant Sharma <scrapco...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Goal of my benchmark is to arrive at end to end latency lower than 100ms
>> and sustain them over time, by consuming from a kafka topic and writing
>> back to another kafka topic using Spark. Since the job does not do
>> aggregation and does a constant time processing on each message, it
>> appeared to me as an achievable target. But, then there are some surprising
>> and interesting pattern to observe.
>>  Basically, it has four components namely,
>> 1) kafka
>> 2) Long running kafka producer, rate limited to 1000 msgs/sec, with each
>> message of about 1KB.
>> 3) Spark  job subscribed to `test` topic and writes out to another topic
>> `output`.
>> 4) A Kafka consumer, reading from the `output` topic.
>> How the latency was measured ?
>> While sending messages from kafka producer, each message is embedded the
>> timestamp at which it is pushed to the kafka `test` topic. Spark receives
>> each message and writes them out to `output` topic as is. When these
>> messages arrive at Kafka consumer, their embedded time is subtracted from
>> the time of arrival at the consumer and a scatter plot of the same is
>> attached.
>> The scatter plots sample only 10 minutes of data received during initial
>> one hour and then again 10 minutes of data received after 2 hours of run.
>> These plots indicate a significant slowdown in latency, in the later
>> scatter plot indicate almost all the messages were received with a delay
>> larger than 2 seconds. However, first plot show that most messages arrived
>> in less than 100ms latency. The two samples were taken with time difference
>> of 2 hours approx.
>> After running the test for 24 hours, the jstat
>> <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ScrapCodes/KafkaProducer/master/data/jstat_output.txt>
>> and jmap
>> <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ScrapCodes/KafkaProducer/master/data/jmap_output.txt>
>>  output
>> for the jobs indicate possibility  of memory constrains. To be more clear,
>> job was run with local[20] and memory of 5GB(spark.driver.memory). The job
>> is straight forward and located here: https://github.com/ScrapCodes/
>> KafkaProducer/blob/master/src/main/scala/com/github/scrapcod
>> es/kafka/SparkSQLKafkaConsumer.scala .
>> What is causing the gradual slowdown? I need help in diagnosing the
>> problem.
>> Thanks,
>> --Prashant

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