Can you show how you use the encoder in your UDAF?

Andy Dang wrote
> One more question about the behavior of ExpressionEncoder
> <Row>
> .
> I have a UDAF that has ExpressionEncoder
> <Row>
>  as a member variable.
> However, if call resolveAndBind() eagerly on this encoder, it appears to
> break the UDAF. Bascially somehow the deserialized row are all the same
> during the merge step. Is it the expected behavior of Encoders?
> -------
> Regards,
> Andy
> On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 10:55 AM, Andy Dang &lt;

> namd88@

> &gt; wrote:
>> Perfect. The API in Java is bit clumsy though
>> What I ended up doing in Java (the val is from lombok, if anyone's
>> wondering):
>>         val attributes = JavaConversions.asJavaCollection(schema.
>> toAttributes()).stream().map(Attribute::toAttribute).
>> collect(Collectors.toList());
>>         val encoder =
>> RowEncoder.apply(schema).resolveAndBind(ScalaUtils.scalaSeq(attributes),
>> SimpleAnalyzer$.MODULE$);
>> -------
>> Regards,
>> Andy
>> On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 2:53 AM, Liang-Chi Hsieh &lt;

> viirya@

> &gt; wrote:
>>> You need to resolve and bind the encoder.
>>> ExpressionEncoder
> <Row>
>  enconder = RowEncoder.apply(struct).resol
>>> veAndBind();
>>> Andy Dang wrote
>>> > Hi all,
>>> > (cc-ing dev since I've hit some developer API corner)
>>> >
>>> > What's the best way to convert an InternalRow to a Row if I've got an
>>> > InternalRow and the corresponding Schema.
>>> >
>>> > Code snippet:
>>> >     @Test
>>> >     public void foo() throws Exception {
>>> >         Row row = RowFactory.create(1);
>>> >         StructType struct = new StructType().add("id",
>>> > DataTypes.IntegerType);
>>> >         ExpressionEncoder
>>> > 
> <Row>
>>> >  enconder = RowEncoder.apply(struct);
>>> >         InternalRow internalRow = enconder.toRow(row);
>>> >         System.out.println("Internal row size: " +
>>> > internalRow.numFields());
>>> >         Row roundTrip = enconder.fromRow(internalRow);
>>> >         System.out.println("Round trip: " + roundTrip.size());
>>> >     }
>>> >
>>> > The code fails at the line encoder.fromRow() with the exception:
>>> >> Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Cannot evaluate
>>> > expression: getcolumnbyordinal(0, IntegerType)
>>> >
>>> > -------
>>> > Regards,
>>> > Andy
>>> -----
>>> Liang-Chi Hsieh | @viirya
>>> Spark Technology Center
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Liang-Chi Hsieh | @viirya 
Spark Technology Center 
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