How about this:
1. we can make LocalLimit shuffle to mutiple partitions, i.e. create a new 
partitioner to uniformly dispatch the data

class LimitUniformPartitioner(partitions: Int) extends Partitioner {

  def numPartitions: Int = partitions
  var num = 0

  def getPartition(key: Any): Int = {
    num = num + 1
    num % partitions

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case h: HashPartitioner =>
      h.numPartitions == numPartitions
    case _ =>

  override def hashCode: Int = numPartitions

2. then in GlobalLimit, we only take the first 
limit_number/num_of_shufflepartitions elements in each partition.

One issue left is how to decide shuffle partition number. 
We can have a config of the maximum number of elements for each GlobalLimit 
task to process,
then do a factorization to get a number most close to that config.
E.g. the config is 2000:
if limit=10000,  10000 = 2000 * 5, we shuffle to 5 partitions
if limit=9999, 9999 = 1111 * 9, we shuffle to 9 partitions
if limit is a prime number, we just fall back to single partition

best regards,

发件人: Liang-Chi Hsieh [] 
发送时间: 2017年1月18日 15:48
主题: Re: Limit Query Performance Suggestion

Hi Sujith,

I saw your updated post. Seems it makes sense to me now.

If you use a very big limit number, the shuffling before `GlobalLimit` would be 
a bottleneck for performance, of course, even it can eventually shuffle enough 
data to the single partition.

Unlike `CollectLimit`, actually I think there is no reason `GlobalLimit` must 
shuffle all limited data from all partitions to one single machine with respect 
to query execution. In other words, I think we can avoid shuffling data in 

I have an idea to improve this and may update here later if I can make it work.

sujith71955 wrote
> Dear Liang,
> Thanks for your valuable feedback.
> There was a mistake in the previous post  i corrected it, as you 
> mentioned the  `GlobalLimit` we will only take the required number of 
> rows from the input iterator which really pulls data from local blocks 
> and remote blocks.
> but if the limit value is very high >= 10000000,  and when there will 
> be a shuffle exchange happens  between `GlobalLimit` and `LocalLimit` 
> to retrieve data from all partitions to one partition, since the limit 
> value is very large the performance bottleneck still exists.
> soon in next  post i will publish a test report with sample data and 
> also figuring out a solution for this problem.
> Please let me know for any clarifications or suggestions regarding 
> this issue.
> Regards,
> Sujith

Liang-Chi Hsieh | @viirya
Spark Technology Center
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